For most of the month....
Posted , 8 users are following.
...I bleed! Ever since I was told I was perimenopause my periods are erratic. Out of a 30 day month I bleed for maybe 25 of the days, some heavy, some really light but always a show. Does anyone else experience this or have done? Funny story I went for my smear test and they asked me the date of my last period and I said I'd like to know that too :-) thank you
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jayneejay Tracky
in my very early peri onset i bled for 21 months, heavy, normal, light, never a day with no spotting, maybe two free days i think in 21 months
feel for you as been there .
Good job you were stopped for the smear or they couldnt do it
take care
jay x
Tracky jayneejay
jayneejay Tracky
oh thats fantastic
Well done you, look after the body and hopefully it will look after you .
jay x
Jan999 Tracky
Tracky Jan999
susan556 Tracky
Tracky susan556
susan556 Tracky
Jan999 susan556
Tracky Jan999
Tracky susan556
HotDot7 Jan999
susan556 Jan999
Jan999 susan556
HotDot7 susan556
Jan999 HotDot7
susan556 Jan999
quick as i could
susan556 HotDot7
susan556 Jan999
Jan999 susan556
Jan999 susan556
jayneejay susan556
i remember my mum explaining about those and showing me..
luckily Kotex sylphs were on the go, little chunky sticky backed towels.
my mother scarred me to death with those.. 😳
i was only 12
jeeeeeeeeez think she scarres my mind still lol
jay x
Jan999 jayneejay
susan556 Jan999
susan556 jayneejay
susan556 HotDot7
jayneejay susan556
They were Kotex Sylphs ... Seem to think they were .. Had a pull off strip with a sticky line at the back..
i can rememeber the plastic wrap and everything, white with blue writing ..
thats what i used for a while.. Yes i was just 12, (blimey 38 years ago)
my mother never used tampons, she thought they were not right 😃
blimey Tampax been around for years and lilets..
preferred lilets .. tampax really dry you up or seemed to for me ... Oooooch
theres loads of everything now..
But they havent mastered choice for us menopause ladies in the way of relief ... Ummmmm
jay x
susan556 jayneejay
jayneejay susan556
I use vaginal ovestin estriol ovules .
Only occassionly i think they are fab,
And also the ovestin cream on outer bits and around vag entrance twice a week, it does replump and makes all my discomforts go .
Here in spain its called ovestinon and i think the ovules are not available everywhere, shame as they have a silky feel and are not messy white, they are soothing.
U can use them as little as you wish, as and when required,
Jay x
HotDot7 susan556
shaznay96184 Jan999
Does anyone remember the debate in the UK to get the VAT dropped from sanitary towels? Remember some jerk (male of course: we probably only had one female in front line politics at the time, and she was our PM) stating that as there were 'alternatives' , this wouldn't ( and hasn't) happen. The 'alternative' choice we have apparently - wait for it - is using washable strips of cotton material!
Picture the scene: Victorian England. Bucket loads of strips of old sheeting soaking in cold salty water then swaying in the breeze on a high washing line in the backyard of a tenament slum. Nice! Oh we have moved on, haven't we?!!
Bet his wife would have loved that!!
Now gone full circle whereby we have to sit watching young chicks prancing around in next to nothing - all thanks to those flipping 'Wings'!!!!!
Can't wait to have to stop buying them . Money I'll save might buy me a new hip (oh I'm testy today!!)
Jan999 shaznay96184
shaznay96184 Jan999
Dya know what - when I read back some of my postings I make myself roll up! I sound like a Political Activist!!
Yep, I do love a debate, and am very opinionated (God knows hat I'd be like if I drank!?) but am completely reliant on my sense of humour to get me thought this!
Think I shouldy postings over the course of a month. I'll use this forum as my own version of the 'rhythm method' - but for the ups and downs of my moods!!
Yep, 'Its all about Eve' :-) !!
Jan999 shaznay96184
Note to Self: Practice what you Preach and Stop! Stop! Stop! sending posts from your Tablet!! Trouble is, when I read them back, they never look as bad as they print!! Bad enough that I've just referred to dinner as 'two large chimney breasts'......instead of the obvious!!!
Jan999 shaznay96184