
Posted , 5 users are following.

Hey!  What do you do when you forget something important.  Like where you laid a piece of jewelry.  I have always been forgetful even as a child.  It's getting worse in my peri-menopause years.  This jewelry I lost  was a piece given to me for my 50th birthday by my sister and  I lie in bed awake at night trying to find it in the recesses of my mind but I just can't find it.  What can I do to help me remember?  

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Nothing. You will find it when you stop thinking about it. That seems to work for me. It will be in some odd place that you never thought about, or it's right under your nose. Good luck. You'll find it.

  • Posted

    Well, my husband goes through misplacing things a lot.... I tell him to visualize the last place he was using/had the item.  Maybe if you can think back to where you wore the piece of jewelry last...the day you wore it....was it a special occasion, work, etc.....possibly you can think of where you took it off an laid it.
  • Posted

    Hi Lori, the st. Anthony prayer always works for me..
  • Posted

    St. Anthony St. Anthony look around somethings lost and needs to be found... Loris piece of jewelry that she got as a gift from her sister on her 50th birthday!!! Amen....
  • Posted

    You all are so sweet for answering.  I keep thinking if I can find time to meditate on it that I'll think where it could be.  But first I need to find the time .  Thanks again you all.  Lori

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