Formication on my scalp
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I am on 10 day of my cycle and I have noticed that this time every month I am experiencing horrible scalp formication...It is like bees biting my needles I cannot describe it exactly
This symptom is horrible...God help me...I am going crazy
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tina00239 evi75119
evi75119 tina00239
I also have it down ....I think that it is one of the worst peri symptoms...
I am pacing the floor not knowing what to do. HELL
today I am better
tina00239 evi75119
Good to hear that you are having a better day! 😄 I am reasonably stable on the HRT but do still have bad days. Keep your chin up. XXX
katyD211 evi75119
Tina is right,'re not crazy. I get those godawful sensations too. And just like you, I've gotten them enough to know what they are period.
Jeez I hate this crap...just want to be free of crazy symptoms!
evi75119 katyD211
I am begging for HRT .....I am still having my periods every month but I cannot bear the symptoms...
I know that I am not crazy but I cannot function normally anymore
angieB48 evi75119
evi75119 angieB48
I was also trying to figure out if it was due to food allergy but I do not think so...I made an assumption that it may be low sugar levels due to low estrogen ...I am certain that it is hormonal.
I am experiencing this crawling sensation to different parts of my body and on my scalp and the itching at specific times of the month...Around 10 day of my cycle and one or two days before my next period begins.
angieB48 evi75119