Frightened feeling and buzzing over all of body

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I have this frightened,nervy feeling in my chest,heart and buzzing all over body. When I lye down it's horrible because my whole body can't settle therefore no sleep . Also loud buzzing in my ears. Does this part last long ?

Any answers appreciated.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Right now I have this. I feel I'm vibrating or buzzing in my muscles.i think it's muscle tension as I've been under a land please believe me my ears are buzzing too
    • Posted

      Sorry I meant I've been under a lot of stress. I'm sure it's muscle tension xx
    • Posted

      well done i have it every night it helps i have just started sage tea the last 5 nights it seems to be helping, we all need help with all this god i must have spent hundreds to help me i take star flower it has helped calm me a bit to good luck
  • Posted

    Can be anxiety and would depend on its cause. I developed tinnitus in 2007. Im post menapausal now and have a low roaring like sound. But i have tmj too. I was told that from clenching jaw in my sleep for hears and the tmj. I use a fan at night to mask the sound.sometimes i forget about it, i have had that vibration thing as well but ignore that it passes. Maybe more connected to dehydration. The sweating get s annoying. I thought when menapause set in that would be gine but i still get that and it wakes me. Even in a tee shirt in the winter i sweat. fan works great for that as well. Keep hydrated and buy a fan and level the fan to your bed. Mask tinnitus and helo with sweats.

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