Frightened feeling in my chest

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I have a frightened fluttery feeling in my chest especially when I try to drop off to sleep. It makes me jump. It's horrid. Any advice on vitamins or supplements for this ?

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    It's okay it's just your hormones I get this I mean always check with your doc but it's other women that has been having this same issue along with myself I have learn to lay in bed and as my heart starts to beat fast and the fluttering starts I wiggle myself to sleep with my leg back and forth lol sounds silly but it works good luck to you
    • Posted

      Monday's! You sound so like me -I do that too!! Lol. Heart flutters really make it hard to go to sleep Orr maybe the anxiety does.

      Glad I'm not suffering this alone. Thanks for this posting xxxxx

  • Posted

    michelle,  I had this and would panic.  I got a bottle of rescue remedy drops and put four drops on my tongue before bed, good for anxiety.  I keep it beside me at night and when this happens a use a couple of drops and it helps.
  • Posted

    Hi michelle46271.

    I have palps also. Consider getting electrolyte drink and keep hydrated. Eat a protein snack before bed. Rescue remedy suggested works good. Magnesium supplement or Epsom salt bath. Evening primrose and omega 3/6/9 flaxseed oils help.

    Trial and error but these help me.

    Be well.

  • Posted

    magnesium drink at night helps me too, and I'm on beta-blockers now for the palps and vertigo which have almost all but erased them (only occassional now).  and this blog, knowing you're not alone and not likely having a heart attack, helps ease the mind some too smile
    • Posted

      Don't mean to hack ambercolleen's thread, but it's magnesium citrate powder. Health food store or online. I'd give the name but a faid to post products on here.

      Electrolyte balance is important: magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium.

      I eat green leafy veggies and healthy yogurt for calcium, potassium gluconate tablets, magnesium citrate or glycinate and use pink Himalayan salt on food. Another source of potassium and magnesium is black strap molasses (must be unsulphered).

      Hope this helps. Take care.

  • Posted

    Thanks UpEarly, I couldn't remember what type of magnesium it was and I know I can't mention a name brande or I'll be moderated smile the one I use has the words natural and calm in it, and I buy mine through amazon as it's cheaper for me that way.

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