Frightening bleeding - anyone else experienced this?

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?I am 46 and having been experiencing the typical emotional and physical symptoms of peri for several years now. I have found this forum a huge comfort to know I am not alone in this!  Alongside all this my periods have been increasingly erratic being anything from 16 to 40 days apart and lasting from 4 to 12 days. This month though there's a sinister new development in that it started as usual and was done in 4 days flat, but then after 3 days it started up again and is now flowing pretty heavily. I feel really frightened by this as although I've got used the variations in timings and length, this feels wrong and I can't find any examples on the internet anywhere.  Anyone else had it happen? I guess I'm just desparate for someone to tell me it's all part of peri and not to worry. It's a 2 week wait till I can get to see my doctor.  Urgh.


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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi..I am new to this forum, but I did a post yesterday about extended periods. I have not had exactly what you describe but i have had erratic bleeding..the newest and current thing being that I started on July 10 with light spotting that lasted for about 12 days and then for the last few days I have had more of what i would call a period flow, not heavy but heavier than spotting with a few clots...this is day 17. I went to my Dr last week and she looked at my "period diary" and did an exam and was not concerned, so I am trying to not be too. It seems like almost anything goes at this time of life. I told my hubby that it is frightening because women use thier normal and on time periods as a way to measure if everything is ok..and now with everything different from month to month, even if it is normal for this time of life, it feels SO not normal! I hope you get the answsers you need! 

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply. I've had what you describe around about this time last year I think, where I started spotting mid-month and it continued right up until my period started around day 23. I think you're right about using regular cycles as a measure of all being well. When that starts to break down, it's alarming. It's funny though, I get completely freaked out by all this extended bleeding, but the times when there's none at all at the time when there should be, I take that pretty calmly.  Bring on the full menopause,  I can't wait for this particular stage of my life to be over!


    • Posted

      Yes..I agree..ready to get past this stage! 
  • Posted

    Dear Red,

    This was the start of menopause for me, first heavy clotty periods then they went further apart, then the irregularity of periods, I had endless spotting where there didnt seem any gaps between them. I had a transvaginal ultrasound to just check everything and there wasn't anything to worry about, apart from a simple cyst on ovary. If you are worried just get it all checked out for peace of mind, but this is how my menopause started x

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