Frustrated taking it out on my hubby.

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I am so tired of all of this I've gotten so many symptoms and now I feel so frustrated I feel that my husband doesn't understand me he is a wonderful man loving caring but he really doesn't know how to deal with all of this and I understand it's not happening to him I've been very sentimental lately and anything triggers me I get overwhelmed and I just can't stop crying sometimes I just want to run away from everybody and start a new life somewhere else don't get me wrong I love my family to death I have a great husband and great kids but no one to understand what hell I've been going through I haven't been working for 2 years now I have no social life I'm always exhausted i never want to do anything don't exercise anymore I've gained so much weight I always feel so tired I'm 45 and I feel 80 I'm always on the defense I argue with my husband about little things I say harsh things to him sometimes then when I realized what I said I feel bad because he doesn't deserve it we were so happy before all this menopause hell started and now I feel we are drifting apart mainly because of me sometimes I don't even want him near me I just want to be my normal self again can any of you ladies give me some advice is any of this happening to you guys just want this to be over soon!!!

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Snap! This last 2 weeks I have been a nightmare and am worried sick that I have some really serious condition. When will it stop. Love to you xxx
  • Posted

    Hi Marisol,  I completely understand you.  I am 41, peri since 38...really bad past year.  I too suffer a lot of physical symptoms and anxiety...bust out crying since perimenopause.  I am in a very happy marriage, love my children.  I finally agreed to take an AD.  My husband thought it would “fix me”.  But he knows now it’s not that easy.  He’s known me 20 years, and He knows that this is not how I am.  I scared everyone in my house...Freaking out last year going to the ER and doctors everyday because I did not understand what was happening to me. Your husband may not understand at first, but he will.  Mine knows I have crap days and OK days.  Hang in there, this stage in our lives challenges us mentally , physically and socially.  It would help if doctors understood this too!  You will survive this, pick your battles.  Go easy on yourself...Take good care!  😊

  • Posted

    Hey honey, my heart goes out to you. I can totally relate to everything you said. Especially being over-sensitive and crying a lot. I wake up way earlier than anyone else and It got to the point where I hated mornings because I always felt depressed and irritable. Most mornings I would cry as negative thoughts flood my mind. It's horrendous! It come come with a warning. I've also started thinking about my life, usually about what I haven't achieved and like you I had feelings of isolation and despair. It sounds like you husband adores you. Just explain it to him, tell him how your feeling, and advise him not to take it personally because you cannot help how you feel and you don't mean to upset him. Make a doctors appointment and see what your options are and there are many. Your suffering can be alleviated, you just have to seek help. Message me anytime, I'm here to help. Donna xxx

  • Posted

    I could have written every word and lines you wrote Marisol! You are my twin meno body in this! SO SORRY for both of us and for the other ladies going through the same. ALL THE BEST
  • Posted

    Mirisol I am so sorry to hear what you were going through. Many of us can sympathize with every word. I’m glad at least that your husband is kind and caring. I would give some consideration to taking bio identical hormones or an antidepressant. Pills won’t fix everything but I’ve had very good friends including my bff who is a yoga instructor and health fanatic and in her hardest menopause time fought it as long as she could BUT took ADs for 6 months to get her through the roughest patch and it really helped her.  
  • Posted

    hi hun,

    maybe if you asked him to do some research he would understand it better. my husband took time to learn about menapause and how it affects us women. he is so wonderful about all of it and I couldn't get through some days without him. if he sees me struggling(like now) he will step in and do what needs to be done, whether it be cooking dinner, vacuuming the floor, washing dishes or laundry. he does it all with not one complaint, nor does he ever make me feel like I should be up and doing it. we've been married 24 years in Oct. and I cannot imagine life without him. I think if husbands would educate themselves there would be so much less divorce and unhappiness in menapause relationships. I used to do the same thing until I realized that he didnt know what was wrong because I wouldn't talk to him. now I will tell him what symptoms I am having on any given day and hes ok. sometimes I dont even have to tell him, he knows just by looking at me! best of luck to you!

    • Posted

      Here's to your man!👋👋👋 My hubby is wonderful, and would do ANYTHING for me. But it would be SO great if hubbys would research it on their own.

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