FSH/Estriodal results
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Hi ladies,
I just got my results back and I was wondering if these numbers mean that I am in menopause yet. I haven't seen my period since October 15, 2019. My fsh was 30.2 ml and my Estriodal was 46.6ml. What do these numbers mean?
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Vylent_Fyre sharcerv52408
Hello, my doctor ordered other hormones that gave him a better picture. Did yours order LH, progesterone and testosterone as well? just those 2 aren't a clear indicator of your perimenopausal status. my LH and FSH were very high in luteal phase I believe and with my estradiol being in normal range my doctor said I was in perimenopause.
sharcerv52408 Vylent_Fyre
Yes, she tested my Estriodal, FSH and my LH. My LH was 116mls.
chrisann144 sharcerv52408
i had that blood work done in may 2019 and it had me at post meanopausal but i have had three periods in 2019 so the bloodwork isnt that reliant sounds like your postmeno too but you have to wait till oct of 2020 its one full year without a period the longest i went was 160 days without a period that part is so annoying so heres hoping 2020 is the end of my periods i wish your doc would have explained the labs to you! and also every lab has slightly diff values meaning norms so i was looking at your numbers based off lab corp here in the united states
sharcerv52408 chrisann144
Yeah Lab Corp is who my doctor used. I will follow up with my doctor today to see what these numbers mean.
chrisann144 sharcerv52408
according to what you wrote i would say your post meno but thats just a snap shot i had a friend that was postmeno according to her bloodwork and had two periods after the bloodwork and she asked her dr wth lol he said she was close but not there just yet! i have three thousand symptoms lol and every month i hold my breath hoping and if i was regular i would have it this month i use a period tracker which has me averaged at 65 days ughhh so annoying well let us know what your dr says good luck
sharcerv52408 chrisann144
They said that my results were "normal" but what does that mean? Does it mean normal for post menopause or normal for a fertile woman? Who knows? This is all so confusing! All I know is that I have not had a period in over 100 days and that is the longest that I have ever gone. My symptoms have definitely ampted up which is what happens once you stop seeing your periods. I get the strong feeling that I am done. I hope so. I hope you are too.
chrisann144 sharcerv52408
when i first had my labs done my dr at that time was my primary we had worked together i used to be a hospice nurse anyway when we talked and i told him the very long story back in 2016 he said i was perimenopausal without looking at the bloodwork he said even if it falls in normal range with all your symptoms he wasnt to keen on bloodwork for hormones because of how they fluctuate now i see a different dr who i also worked with and his wife is going thru it as well she is younger then me her late forties so when we did my new bloodwork this time it said postmenopausal but i wasnt too excited because i knew im closer to the end of the period thing but its not done and like i said you have to go one year with no periods i will say when i dont get my period my symptoms amp up but then i start feeling that uh oh crampy and im like will i be 80 when this is finally over lol according to your blood work its saying post so if you go a year then you will be done hope that helps and hopefully your right with both of us being done
sharcerv52408 chrisann144
Thanks so much Chrisann! I tell you, I thank God for this forum because I get more useful information and help here than I ever would by these doctors. It's just like you said earlier each lab interprets blood test results based on their own guidelines. Each doctor goes by their own theories. That's why we're so confused. I'm glad we all have each other as a resource.
rachel54558 sharcerv52408
Blood test are just not a good way to work out anything to do with menopause and perimenopause as your hormonal levels are constantly changing due to fact your going into menopause. to get any useful information from hormone test . your need them like 2 to 3 times in the same point of your cycle.
chrisann144 rachel54558
i agree when i had them done both times i asked for them both of my drs felt the bloodwork wasnt going to tell them anything really my symptoms tell more even tho my bloodwork says postmeno i got two periods after that blood work so a total of 3 in 2019 which is the lowest amount of periods i have had so far but i have been in peri since im 42 and i will be 52 this year ughhh my mother was 48 and didnt experience barely any symptoms so no two women will have the exact same experience the thing that is annoying is some drs are so by the book then others just shrug it off i worked with some great drs and others well lol i just hope we all get past this sooner rather then later
sharcerv52408 rachel54558
Thank you, Rachel. I guess that makes sense since it would show some consistency if any, to your levels if monitored at the same time.