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what fsh levels suggest perimenopause?
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Posted , 3 users are following.
what fsh levels suggest perimenopause?
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Tracky godblessed
godblessed Tracky
Thanks for response. I had bloods done and got letter from gp saying they are within the menopausal range. On the paper works it reads FSH level 34.9 u/L and LH level 37.7 u/L
Been getting hot flushes on and off this years, and waking me at nights; was getting sweats a year or two ago; plus high anxiety-more a couple of years ago-and palipitations more ongoing-but worse when anxiety was high. Been real moody and irritable. Periods been particulary last 2-3 years. Now not like clockwork, but still have them and they take a little while to start after browny stuff. My 'sexy' has gone...or comes for visits not as often! Etc, etc...
Even the test result says positive, I don't know why I am still seeking information, but I am....
Be glad when my periods stops for good! It's like I don't beileve I'm anywhere near menopause until that happens.
Hope this all makes sense. When anxiety was really bad 2-3 years ago, I went on srri sertraline and that did help take edge off. Weaned myself off under year ago. Take 10mg amitriptyline for tension headache pain relief; tension headache also has eased up, bur still take amitriptyline because it helps me get that much needed sleep....
Shelly0069 godblessed
godblessed Shelly0069
I guess normal tension headaches, and struggle with sinuses which can keep me up at so was prescribed amitriptyline.