Funny sensations when going to sleep

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Hi everyone

I don't know if any of you have suffered with this :

When I go to bed I don't sleep but the horrible thing is hard to explain.

I have a swimming head,ears hissing,headache and when I start to relax I get horrible feelings like : frightening feeling in chest,I think I might of drifted off but it's a dream,not knowing what room I'm in for a bit,twitching muscles and an overall weird feeling. I can't just go to bed and not have these feelings.

I know it's vague.

I'm suffering with awful gerd too that keeps me awake.


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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, it's like someone is trying to inflate a balloon in your head! I sympathise. Everything is weird at the moment. I suppose it's going to take a while to get used to these feelings. At least looking at the posts on this site you don't feel so alone. All the best to you x
  • Posted


    I had this when my symptoms were in full swing. It is to do with a change in your hormone levelscas you drift into sleep, I think progersterone, so is physical. It is terrifying I knoiw, but doesnt last long in the " journey" for want of a better description. I fiund slepping propped uo with pillows helped or even sleeping in a big comfy armcgair, upright! I cant explain why. Also you can learn to allow yourself to fall into the feeling and not to fight it. This helps with a lot of thise symptoms.

    You will come through, there ius an end to it all. I am nearly out the otherside completely. It makes you a much stronger woman. Best of luck and much love to you xx

    • Posted

      Thankyou so much. Yes I've found trying to prop myself up on a few pillows better. I can't lye down on one pillow,it's horrid. I've been having the awful symptoms 4 months now so I think I will start to settle down soon x
  • Posted

    Hi Michelle, I had this, last year for months.  I had very strange sensations whilst falling asleep, almost although I was about to have a seizure or something really bad was about to happen.  As I was about to fall asleep I would fall into a vivid dream, like I was semi conscious, then I would wake up in a panic and this could go on all night.  It was like my mind couldn't quite get into full sleep.

    It was awful, I couldn't cope with the lack of sleep, so my doctor prescribed sleeping tablets, which helped alot, but she would not prescribe them for longer than a couple of months.  She then put me on fluxotine (prozac), which I'm still on and these have completely erased the issue - I am sleeping again normally and my anxiety during the day has disappeared.  I actually feel like a normal (ish) human being again!!

    • Posted

      Yes it's horrible. I've got some sleeping tablets for every other night for a month.

      The newest thing is my chest going tight and the pit of my throat burns. I'm 3 weeks into HRT so hopefully they will kick in more now

  • Posted

    I have the chest feeling stuff soon as I doze off I'm woken with it feels like adrenaline but not really and it's everytime I doze off every night

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