Fuzzy ringing
Posted , 4 users are following.
Does anybody get this fuzzy sound in the ear from perimenpause.
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Posted , 4 users are following.
Does anybody get this fuzzy sound in the ear from perimenpause.
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dawn70425 kim93615
Hi kim
Yep me to lol, I hate it more when I'm in bed and put my head on the pillow (side wards ) as seen to bother me more, so I have to move my head of pillow so on the edg, so my ears arnt on there, Iv only had it since menopause , so Hoping may go once through all the crap of this ...
kim93615 dawn70425
I want you to Google this below
Over 100 symptoms associated with Anxiety
dawn70425 kim93615
Ow my bloody god😧😧😧
It's unbelievable that all of those symptoms you can relate to...
How can some ones body go through all the things, as I'm reading I'm going, yes me, yes, yes, yes, and on and on...
Other then HRT I think the docs should find some thing eles to help us woman, instead of just saying ' sorry' but note we can do, so go away, u can deal with it😤...
All I can say is, good job men don't have all the menopause symptoms 😆As world would come to a end lol xx
kim93615 dawn70425
We don't go through them all
juanita93228 dawn70425
😂😂😂😂. I so needed that laugh! Men couldn't even get out of bed!
dawn70425 juanita93228
Glad it brought a smile to you.... but ow so true... we put up with periods and pms then this crap the menopause... what we have to go through lol 😁Xx
dawn70425 kim93615
kim93615 dawn70425
Yes.....we are I didn't know just to reach menopause you have to go through all of this.