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Hi, since I joined this forum I've noticed a lot of women talk about having heart palpitations. I have large fibroids that have caused heavy bleeding, feeling faint and anemia. Anemia means that our iron stores are low due to not producing enough red blood cells, which means that oxygen isn't being carried to our hearts, brains, etc., which causes our hearts to palpitate, foggy brains, fatigue, heart racing, and ultimately makes us anxious, not knowing why these things are happening and imagining the worse. Ladies, please take iron supplements if you are diagnosed with anemia, and if you can't tolerate the pills (they can give you nausea and constipation), there's liquid iron that does not hurt your stomach or cause constipation. I know, because I take it, and now my hematologist tells me that he doesn't even consider me to be anemic since I've taken it faithfully--this after having a blood transfusion and being considered for iron infusions. Thanks for listening, and have a great day.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Thank you for the information I take an iron pill a day since the middle of Nov I'm not sure if it's helping I still have same symptoms just not as severe as before. My Dr told me she didn't think my off balance palps and fast heart rate was from the low iron. Said mine wasn't low enough but i have no clue. Mine was 26 range 35- something other was 10 range 15- something how low you think it has to be for symptoms
    • Posted

      Hi Pamela, normal ferritin levels are 12-15dl for women--did you say that your blood count was 10? You can ask your doctor to order a CBC (complete blood count) test to find out whether you're anemic or not. Palpitations, fast heart rate and being off balance can probably be caused by other illnesses, but I've had those symptoms while being low in iron. A count lower than 12 can cause your body not to produce enough oxygen in your blood, leading to lots of symptoms. I hope you find out what's causing your symptoms . . . hang in there!
    • Posted

      I've had a lot of labs all normal except iron said it was slightly low. Im taking a supplement but symptoms still remain. I'll have to post ranges when I get home but one of mine is a 10 other 26
  • Posted

    My levels are saturated iron level 10 range 15-55 iron serum 26 range 35-155 i don't know if its low enough for symptoms but I've been on the iron supplement since Nov still have symptoms don't know if its from the low iron or peri itself
    • Posted

      I'm not sure exactly what your numbers mean, but I've read that normal blood levels are: Transferrin saturation--25%-35% and Total Binding Capacity (TBC)--240-450mcg/dL. It depends whether it's a GP requesting the H & H (Hemoglobin and Hematocrit) test, or a hematologist asking for a more detailed and broken down test. I just know the hemoglobin test that measures the blood count, and that's the one that should be between 12-15 for women in the normal range. Sorry I can't be of more help, but I've heard that thyroid issues sometimes cause heart palpitations also.

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