Gallbladder/ liver
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Hello, have any of you experienced major digestive problems? I have a bloated tummy; constant non stop burping (which i assure is gerd) ;pain on my lower right side and right shoulder pain and full body aches. I went for acupuncture and the practitioner advised I have liver and gallbladder issues My doctor does not listen to a thing I say. Was just wondering if any of you have experienced anything similar and if you know of any natural remedies that might be helpful.
Hope you are all doing well and thanks in advance for any suggestions.
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leisa56147 Meandbell2005
I have the same pains (right shoulder blade), discomfort at times under my right rib cage. Aches all over. My labs were perfect.
From where I hear from other ladies (doctor's don't give a crap about listening to anything. They are too focused on pushing pills down our throat) it's common.
Meandbell2005 leisa56147
Hello and thanks for your reply - I am glad to hear I am not the only one through this . Everything just seems so difficult most times.
Hope you are having a great day.
tawana68 Meandbell2005
hi there , just curious if you have had any ultrasounds done ? sometimes a transvaginal ultrasound is better for looking into the internal l areas better like the uterus , and cervix . i had bloatng issues and then heavy bleeding for almost 7 weeks straight too . when they did the ultrasounds they found fibroids , which are harmless thank god and 2 cysts . i was put on fibristal for 3 months and it shrunk the fibroids and the heavy bleeding stopped and the fibroids shrunk. alot of it happens as we get older and closer to menopause so im sure its nothing to worry about but worth looking into ya know?
try to drink some more water daily and get lots of daily walking in if ya can too. i found eating more leafy veggies i felt better too but everyone is different . best wishes and bugs from canada .
Meandbell2005 tawana68
Hello - thanks for your reply. I had a regular pelvic ultrasound a few weeks ago and it revealed that i have two fibroids - my doctor didn't even bother telling me about this; i found out as i went back to the lab where the test was done and purchased a copy of the report.
Thanks for the diet recommendations; i was eating salads and veggies all summer long and felt great - guess i should go back to them and drinking more water.
best wishes to you as well - i also reside in Canada - i am in B.C.
2chr2015 tawana68
did they say what caused the fibroids?
Meandbell2005 2chr2015
no, they did not say what caused the fibroids - my doctor did not even call me for a follow-up.
2chr2015 Meandbell2005
wow.. thats crazy!
Indifferent Meandbell2005
I have! In fact two days ago I was pooping white! That scared signifies that the liver is not producing bile. I got up and running with some extra foods and drinks and it went back to normal after two days and my tummy actually feels better than it has in a long time.
I made a potato carrot soup with lots of onions...I also started drinking water with a half of a squeezed lemon...avoided all meat for a few days. avoided sugar and alcohol.
And drank dandylion root tea.
there is also an accupressure point in the web between the big and second toe...just up on the foot. it will be tender. press and hold for a few minutes daily.
Guest Indifferent
I had the opposite, today I pooped black and sticky, followed by a bout of diarrhea! Here I go back on the anxiety wheel. This is where it all started two years ago.
Although I did take two pepto bismol tablets two days ago when I ate watermelon that killed my stomach. Hoping the black is from that. But of course, worse case scenario come up. Ugh
Indifferent Guest
suzanne...I hear you on the anxiety over it...but give it a day or two and see if it changes before worrying. I find I poop totally differently almost every day for the past 5 years. its been crazy!
But it doesn't seem serious...just peri crap as usual...So don't worry too much. one day at a time my dear.
2chr2015 Meandbell2005
yes i have the burping and gallbladder issues. honestly nothing i tried really helped significantly. but it comes and goes. i feel like when our hormones balance back out it will be okay again. i read that it is caused by estrogen dominance.
mary27278 2chr2015
2Chr20q5 how can you tell if you Have a gallbladder issue? I have been burping for weeks now and stomach is so bloated. I was having back pains but that has eased up alot. My dr said i had a bacteria in my gut and gave me an natural antibiotic for that and it helped. But this bloating and feel and look bigger on the right side of abdomen is getting to me. When I eat my food is my digesting feels like it just sitting there, my poop has been green for months. Yes i do eat alot of green but even on days that i don't it's still greens. sometimes i seed food in my stools also. My GI dr is sending me for a us on abdomen and pelvic but my health anxiety is really in over drive...
2chr2015 mary27278
i had an ultrasound that showed sludge and some small stones. my poop will get light colored as well. and i have pain under my right ribs
Clare1971 Meandbell2005
HI i asked the same question last month , sadly it seems just another sympton of menopause , i get relief from the pain by drinking warm water and a few slices of lemon in it , you may think lemon as acidic but as soon as its digested it becomes alkaline and i feel it soothes my pain , you can also do a gallbladdder flush look on you tube , hope this helps ..
Guest Meandbell2005
My gall bladder was removed, but I still continue to have problems. Not really gas issues, but stomach issues, diarrhea, that sort of stuff. Drink warm lemon water in the morning before you eat anything. That will help with your liver, and certain things are good for your gall bladder, I think olive oil, you can google and find out.
Gall bladder can cause pain in your right shoulder, if you have it tested they will most likely recommend you have it taken out, but I think doing gall bladder cleanses are worth a shot instead of having surgery. I wish I wouldn't have had mine taken out.