General unwell feeling all the time.
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Bloating, pains inbetween shoukder blades in back sometomes hurts to breathe then just goes away. Arthritis in hips and shoulders. Feeling nausea, palpatations and heart flutters. Headaches tiredness forgetfulness feeling of going mad.
Burning when going for a poo and feeling lije your bowels are not emptying. I explain to doctor iys like a mud poo 😢.
Ive had enough.
Had so many tests everyyhing os normal also going throuhh change and am on hrt.
Dr now says last blood test showed lowe iron and anemia she is concerned i have internal bleeding.
Seriously i can take this
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karen96096 michellemybell
michelle97919 michellemybell
I feel your pain. It is just endless. I had 10 year peri hell now im post meno and wow i didnt think i could feel any worse. But i do.
Hang in there.
Ive diagnosed myself with every illness going but all tests come back ok.
I do however have a fatty liver now
Funny that i dont drink or smoke or eat rubbish and i keep active as i can.
Makes no sense.
But neither does meno.
Im not on any HRT or meds.
Is the HRT not helping you?
Some women here say yes some no.
Here for you x
That might explain low iron. I was recently diagnosed with low folic acid but it went back up again. So dont worry too much. Tests while we are hormonal seem to be up and down for no apparent reason x
lucy48229 michelle97919
I am in post menopause. Since June 2016, I have been suffering form all kinds symptoms. I had not life at all in 2017. I was found with fatty liver too. I had ton of painful symptoms, I did not have energy to pay attention to my fatty liver. Last two weeks, I got ultrasound again, my fatty liver is not there any more. Do not be afraid, sometime, even you are checked with fatty liver but actually you do not have.Ultrasound does not mean 100% right based on some specialists say.Just keep eyes on that, and check later on.
Guest michellemybell
Michelle my Bell, I'm guessing you had a colonoscopy?? If not, I would suggest that, internal bleeding and the pooping issue would be something to look in to.
I've had all those symptoms too, lately I no longer get that bad pain next to my shoulder blade, but sometimes I still feel like I can't breathe. All the other symptoms come and go. Not as severe as they were when it first started two years ago. Thankfully the frozen shoulder went away after 18 months, but it still acts up now and then. Seriously, when I think of how my life totally crashed, I can't believe it. Still hard to believe it can only be hormones causing all of the havoc. They really suck.
CarolKelso michellemybell
Oh michelle...i hear you and how you can feel you cant take anymore...ive been there to with my bowel and neasea..find this the worse symtom for me....and the migranes but it has gotten better so hang tight as it does be here all night telling you about all my symptoms as so many. Keep Telling yourself you will be fine. are not alone as many of us feel or have felt the same...i even ended up in a&e one time as i felt i couldnt breath....our bodies are transitioning and its awful hard for many of us but it wont kill us....we will take on the world when we come out the other side. Hang tight and go easy there....CK
DearDoe michellemybell