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Hi ladies, new symptoms to go with another year of peri...not sure if it is related or not, but I have gone to emergency twice thinging I was having heart issues, with chest pain and back pain.....and I mean it was bad, everything was normal, so they said it is more than likely GERD.  I have never had this before and can't believe that something like that can cause such severe symtoms.....has anyone had this or dealing with this that can tell me what they do to relieve it or make it go away?

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14 Replies

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    Hi Linda,

    Yes , 3 times in the last 2 years. They've told me the same thing. I've elevated the head of my bed with a board underneath, cut out alcohol, no heavy or acidic sauces at night past 5. Cream cheese is a big no'no. You have to figure out what triggers it. Good luck! 

  • Posted

    Hi Linda

     Chronic gastritis and acid reflux have been my worst symptoms over the past few years.  This would seem to worsen every few weeks and I'd have a really bad week, then better for a while and then bad again.  I have been told that out digestive tract has estrogen receptors and some women are more sensitive to estrogen fluctuations.  I had to drastically change my diet....clean eating, gluten free, very little dairy and low carb with no processed foods or sugars. I'm pleased to say that right now my stomach feels almost normal.  I will eat the odd thing I couldn't before and not have any trouble.  The other day I had gluten free pasta and put a few spoonfuls of tomato sauce on it...for the first time in over a year!  Chocolate is still a big no no!

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      Chronic gastritis and acid refux are also my biggest symptons. If it wasn't for that my peri would be much better because other symptons are leaving or has left. Thank God! Though the stomach issue has gotten better as long as I watch diet. I've lost much weight and it has been difficult trying to gain it back considering my diet is so restricted. I hate the way that I look now. I don't like looking in the mirror at myself. I try to avoid people I know.

      Are you taking any meds for the gastritis/acid reflux?

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      I was taking a proton pump inhibitor but they cause me more problems than they help.  Stayed on it for about four weeks.  I have been taking ranitidine 150mg twice a day and have been for about 8 months.  This does help but there were times that no matter what I I did I still had the tight, burning stomach and just didn't feel well.  I think those times wet when my hormones would be really out of whack.  It would last from 5-7 days and then suddenly get better for a while..then the cycle would repeat.  Now I'm on a time where stomach is good and almost feels back to the normal it was a few years ago!  Praying this isn't just another cycle.

  • Posted

    Dear Linda

    I suffer with Gerd and have a small hiatas hernia. In peri I got gastitis (I had it confirmed with an endoscopy) yes it can get very painful, I had it once so much it felt my chest was on fire but that time I think it was oesophagitis. For the gastitis I went on ppi's (gastro restaint tablets) the gastitis took some time to clear. I have my bed raised and did cut out fatty spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol. Thankfully I do eat quite normally again but have to adjust it slightly in menopause. At its worse the pain did feel like it was going straight through me, if it gets too bad I would go back, are you on anything for it? X

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      This morning I went for ultra sound on all upper organs.....liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancras and kidneys to make sure nothing like that is causing it.  Tomorrow I go for a heart they are good at ruling out the big stuff.  They have given me Mylan 40mg once daily, which I haven't started yet only because there is no proof that is what it is.  I would imagine that if all these tests come back normal they will do the stomach testing.........because of my anxiety disorder I have always had stomach issues....nausea, indigestion.....but this is pain and crazy pressure.....almost like someone is pumping up your esophagus until it burts....but the pain radiates all through the chest and back that is why I go to ER to rule out anything dangerous.  I have had peri issues which is caused by decreased estrogen so it is possible that this has been brought on from that too.  

    • Posted

      That's good you are having all the necessary tests. I had my gallbladder out when I was forty so I could rule that one out when I got gastitis. It is very scary having these symptoms and not knowing what's causing it, I only know too well! I hope you get it sorted soon x

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      I took omeprezole for a while but after some time I got a funny gassy stomach with them then went on to zantac x
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      I am doing dexilant not everyday, only every other day. Only been taking it for about a week or so. I take zantac occasionally .

      I was in the health food store on yesterday and herbalist said it is not good to take long term.

      He recommended other things for me to do.

    • Posted

      Hi Mary,  They have prescribed Mylan 40mg for 21 days, I haven't started it only because I want to see how all my tests come back for the other things.  (In case it isn't gerd) They are just speculating at this time.  I did buy gaviscon and I have my normal anti acids...but I am trying to find alternative solutions.   The only thing I can think of when this all started is I bought a alkaline water system and started drinking it regular...perhaps this has messed up my PH levels in my stomach and brought this on?  From what I have read tho is this is supposed to neutralize the acids......something is definately out of whack....I get a burning pain in my upper right shoulder and chest (where esphogus is) rarely do I get acid in my throught, but I have in the past....and on occasion it feels like there is something stuck the back of my throat which causes me to swallow more......sigh.....I go for another test today in my heart and it will be another thing to rule out or find out what is going on.  I just don't feel comfortable starting a medication when they are not 100% sure that is what it there is always side effects that seem to go along with medications also.......

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      I was prescribed a medication for 21 days, however I haven't started it yet because they are not 100 % certain that is what it is.  I go for a few more tests to rule out anything, or find out the the mean time I am being very careful what I eat and if I feel something starting I go to my anti acids or gaviscon.....if I can keep it that I don't have that terrible chest pain that is half the battle.  The only thing I can think of is when this all started what I changed our drinking water, I bought an alkaline water system and perhaps my PH levels got all out of whack?  Although the purpose of this system what to get thing back on track with regards to PH levels.....who knows.....I know I have always had digestive issues IBS due to stress and anxiety, but never have I had this feeling before.   At the moment it is a wait and see and try to keep the symptoms under control as I eat.  I too prefer trying to fix things alternatively as medications may fix the problem, but they come with side effects and can even have long term effects of somthing else.

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      Yes I read that it isnt good to stay on them too long and when you come off them you have to do it gradually, I took them every other day and then widened the gap each time until I stopped
  • Posted

    Hi  Linda im 49 and suffer from exact same thing.... have elevated my top end of bed and gaviscon anti acid my new best friend.... it really feels like your heart but now ive learnt not to panic and know is all from peri.... also had colonoscopi this month as have been having tummy pain did all scans ect all good its IBS also worse since peri....

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