Glad To Know I'm Not Going Crazy

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I'm so happy to have found this discussion board.  Each time I read a new post, it lets me know I'm not alone in what I'm going through.  I can't talk to anyone in the family, as my grandmother was the only one who went through meonpause, as the other women in my family had hysterectomies before menopause

I had an andometrial ablation 6 years ago and it worked up until the past 7 months, with the last two being periods for 2 weeks with heavy clotting and flooding.  I actually ended up in the ER two weeks ago as I was bleeding so heavy.  I was advised to call my GYN on the Monday following and they worked me in within a few days.  My doctor told me he was shocked that I'm still having my periods as I'm 53 and will be 54 in Oct.  He gave me 4 options, another ablation in which he didn't advise, an IUD, Depo shot or hysterectomy.  I can't use birth control pills due to high blood pressure. So, I elected to go with the Depo shot.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed as since having the shot on Tuesday I have read horrible things about the shot, one being how it makes you bleed more.  I have been bleeding nonstop for over two months now, so we went with the Depo in hopes it would stop the bleeding.  I'm curious to know if anyone else has used the Depo shot to help stop the bleeding and if so what has your experience been like? So, like I said I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Depo shot works for me.

In the past two months I have started going through things that made me think I was loosing my mind.  I'm usually a heavy sleeper and barely hear my alarm clock in the morning.  Now, I'm waking several times during the night, up about an hour or two before my alarm goes off.  Not getting much sleep at all needless to say.  I'm so jittery, with hands shaking, jump at the slighest of sounds and high anxiety.  I have no energy, in fact after work I have things I want to get done around the house when I get home.  However, by the time I get home all I want to do is take a nap.  One thing I don't seem to suffer from is night sweats or hot flashes.  I do have a weird thing though, my upper lip gets cold and a light sweat on it at times, and it doesn't even have to be hot out when this happens.

So, I guess I can say I'm in perimenopause, and maybe finally heading into menopause.  I sure would like to get my life back to some sort of normal, where I'm not afraid to leave the house for long periods of time or go to far from home in fear that I will suddenly start bleeding heavy again.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    My daughter got the depo at 18 and she bled everyday until it wore off ! I would never recommend anyone to take the depo.
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    I don't think I know what the depo shot is? I'm the same as you, heavy monthly periods, clots and lose so much my iron levels go dangerously low, and by the time I get my energy back my period is due again! Very tiring. I'm 57 and doctor says I should be near menopause??  I just started having night time sweats last week. I've had palpitations and jumpy feeling in my chest for a few months. 

    After last blood tests showed such low iron I am now considering hysterectomy but worried about the length of time of recovery. 

    I have a 3cm fibroid and not sure I can have ablation?  I guess I need to go and discuss options like you have. 

    Hope your bleeding is easing a little

    Take care

  • Posted

    I too felt so much better after finding this discussion board. Thought I was going mad before. 
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    Let's us know what happened with your depo shot. I too suffer from flooding and clots.
  • Posted

    Hi Cheryl I did had the heavy bleeding lots clotting gushing when I get from sitting I was so anemic use to think I'm going to faint at times,my doctor gave me iron injections get into my system quick I'm the same age as you now and my periods are much better,this year so far I had 1 day

    bleed for the year it does get better,I understand how your feeling leaving the house for long periods but with me it's meno doing this,what ever your feeling it's menopause causing jittery feelings energy is my name ain't got much my self glad you don't get hot flashes or night sweats lucky you,when it comes to sleep we all can't get any at times you work that's good keep.busy bless hugs for you.

  • Posted

    Going on second week post Depo shot and so far so good.  It stopped the bleeding, but I do have a little spotting here and there.  The doctor did tell me it sometimes takes getting the shot a few times before it works completely. 

    However, I had an internal ultrasound the same day I had the shot and found out from my GYN on Friday that I have 4 fibroids each being 3-4 cm.  Hence, the reason for the heavy bleeding.  He said the Depo shot should keep me from bleeding as heavy and with the clots.  He and I are in hopes that the Depo will get me to menopause.  If the bleeding does tend to start being heavy, I have no choice but to have a hysterctomy.

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