Going crazy!

Posted , 13 users are following.

Ladies i have been experiencing palpitations an anxiety alot these days . Its kinda weird cause it cms on only at night am trying my best as to wat i eat an exercising but its nt helping much can someone plz advise so i can understand that am nt dying becuz of pre menopause ...


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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Wendy,  Palps was one of my first symptoms.  I would get them first thing in the morning.  The first time, I woke up with palps, sweating, couldn’t catch my breath.  Called an ambulance...seriously thought I was having a heart attack.  My dad died at 42 of Heart attack.  I was freaking out!  All checked out fine.  Mention it to your dr, get it checked out just for your own piece of mind.  But fluctuations in hormones wreak havoc.  😉

  • Posted

    Forgot to mention... I had an problem with GERD (reflux). It was causing a lot of palps and chest pains too.  I stop eating 3 hrs before bed now.  
  • Posted

    Hi Wendy,

    Same thing here, except I would call it sheer panic attacks and heart beating so loud its all I could feel. Up 2 nights and finally doc gave me ativan and that worked. Temporarily. I battled with it for 2 years, it has finally stopped in my first full year without a period. I used estrogen and progesterone natural cream from health food store and that seemed to work but not 100%. It will go away eventually!

  • Posted

    Have you asked your doctor about medication? Maybe a beta blocker? Metoprolol helps me. It’s not 100%, but 50mgs improves my symptoms. I don’t  have high blood pressure so I take a low dosage. My cardiologist said it helps block the effects of adrenaline on the heart - something estrogen did before meno. Good luck! 
  • Posted

    Oh Wendy that was my first symptoms for months heart palpitations , anxiety and panic attacks . It was awful must of been at the doctors every day for a month . She eventually gave me propranolol (beta blockers ) they help but didn’t want to take a synthetic drug as have thyroid trouble and I feel nothing mixes well with this . I’m now taking CBD oil and it’s done wonders for me

    Hang in their and keep visiting this forum it sure does give you reassurance 💕

  • Posted

    My palpatations go together with skipped heartbeats and flutters, and all over random body twitches, they come every month like clockwork and last a few days but always come at the same time on the same days every month! Maybe write down your symptoms everyday so you can know your pattern of symptoms and how they repeat that way they aren't so scary you can tell yourself ok its just the palps and the flutters I get these every month on the 8th like clockwork... And yes certain things can and do trigger them and make them much more intense, but for the most part if its one of your symptoms for now chances are they are going to come and go monthly no matter what for around 6 months, that's usually the pattern for symptoms six months of coming and going then they disappear and a new set of symptoms come.. Then maybe after six months the palpitations and flutters and twitching will come back but less intense.. Just have to know your not dying , and just ride the wave.. That is providing you've been all checked out and have a clean bill of health!

    • Posted

      Thanks gypsy your advice of wrinting it down wod definitely help.

      Take care

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