Going off BHRT !
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tried it since April not sure if it helped me or not as i have mono too with meno .
i know that i ballooned up every part of my body even my shoulders are FAT ! i cannot afford to replace all my clothes ( which is alot )!
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lydia2311 lori93950
good luck Lori, keep us posted on how you get on. x
Guest lori93950
Hi Lori, well, you don't have mono, you have reactivated EBV. It's worse, in my opinion.
I too had went on BHRT back when all my symptoms were out the roof, but after three months I went off because the anxiety of wondering if the meds were causing new symptoms was worse. I was curious to see if they were helping you any, since I too have reactivated EBV. Did any of your symptoms get better?
lori93950 Guest
im not sure if helped ... yet only been off them about a week . i had ebv 11 years ago with no mono .. so no fatigue . this time although last time was bad .. this has been horrendous . not helping that i cant fit in any clothes ... depressing me more . have to wear leggings or sweatpants every day .
im doing blood ozone therapy 2 times a week please GOD it helps its a long journey expensive and a brutal procedure . but ill try anything right now !
how long have you been sick?
Guest lori93950
I got very sick the summer of 2016. I really believe it just takes time to start feeling better. It's hard for us because our immune systems are weakened because of the peri. I'm hoping that once I'm full meno my immune system will strengthen again. I went to an immunologist in NYC, she does research for CFS. She recommended antiviral medication but I decided not to take it.
Do you recall if you were exposed to any pesticide spraying right before getting sick?