Going through menopause put on 25 pounds

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I am 50 and have been told I am going through the menopause by my doctor.I have put on around 25 pounds over a year.I am really down about it.The most I can lose is four pounds and thats it.I have always had a problem with my weight and managed to lose five stones four year.My doctor says I am getting old.

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Millie99

    Wow your doctor sounds like a proper charmer!! Getting old?? Really?? At 50? How old is he/she.....12?? I too have put on almost 2stones in under a year and I put it down to a combination of medication and the menopause. I am the heaviest I have ever been and am morbidly obese rolleyes I started onHRT patches last Friday but they kept coming off so now on tablets as of yesterday so fingers crossed. My symptoms are mainly sweating/night sweats/ prob also to do with being overweight but hey ho! Mood swings and just a general feeling of not being 'with it' the majority of the time. I joined Weight Watchers (again) on Monday so I am hopeful this will help with the weight, I am so uncomfortable in my skin, lost all my confidence, so just want to regain a bit of self confidence back. Maybe try some alternatives to HRT first and if these don't help you can always give HRT a go.....nothing to lose really...well apart from the weight of course lol Good luck xx

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      I thnk I might look into alternativs to HRT first.I had so much confidence when I lost my weight,now I just feel really fat.Thanks for your support.x

  • Posted

    Hi Millie, what an awful thing to say to someone, you can lose weight, I gained over 2 stone a couple of years ago and had lost it all plus a bit more by Feb this year, as your body gets used to losing. As far as getting old, my Gran used to say to me you are as old as you feel, so I take each day as it comes and thank my lucky stars I am alive. So you are not old  don't even think that. You can do it x

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      I did lose it in 2011 the total lose was around five stone and I kept it off till last year.My doctor says its because I am getting older.My gyne said the same.I can lose four pounds and then it stops.

  • Posted

    'You are getting old' - cheeky beggar! My weight started to slowly and steadily climb from my mid forties. When the menopause started it's antics the weight gain went up a notch. Last Christmas I weighed 13 stone (182lb) My ideal weight is 140lb.

    My OH and I didn't have a bad diet but in February we both ditched sugar, cut right back on bread and pastries, stopped the take-aways, ready meals, anything 'low fat' and snacking after 8PM. We eat more fresh, organic veg, salads and fruit and grass fed meat and dairy. I don't count calories and I don't miss the other foods.

     In fact, we were having car problems and had to take it to the dealers some 70 miles away. We were very hungry on the way back and stopped at a 'Maccy D's' for something to eat. One Chicken Legend and a milk shake later I felt so 'stodged' and and generally blerch I wondered why I'd bothered.

    Oh, and the weight - down to 156lb and counting. Go on girl, you can do it! And razzrazzrazz to your doctor!

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      Its hard as you get older.I will keep on trying.Thanks for your support.

  • Posted

    What a terrible thing to say!!!!  Genectics are hard to deal with when it comes to weight lose.  Write down everything you eat.  Record calories and fat grams.  You might be surprised about what you find.  You can get a calorie and fat gram guide at a book store.  If you walk 30 to 60 mins a day you will loose weight without even dieting.  And it will brighten your mood as well.  

    From what you get at the doctors office to media they tell us its all down hill from here.  What a load of crap.  That just makes it so diffcult when we are struggling to understand our bodies.  And how to live well and be happy.  If this was all about little blue pills there would be millions of investment dollars for research!!!

    • Posted

      Sorry Beth but I have to disagree. Fat doesn't make you fat and calorie counting just makes you obsess about what you are eating.

      I agree you should be avoiding 'industrial' fats (anything that has been highly processed) and GM fats (because of the pesticides they are sprayed with) A lot of so called 'healthy' fats become toxic when heated and should be avoided like the plague.

      Another tip - eat off smaller plates. It really works! A smaller portion looks massive on a small plate.cheesygrin

  • Posted

    your doctor is a rude man, its bad enough that we women have to go through all this stuff without him adding more rubbish, you can lose the weight through dedication to looking smart, it may be a bit harder but it will come off, i lost 5 stone 4 years back and kept it off, maybe i gained a stone now and then but i dieted and exercised and got back down within a month or so, might i add walking fast gets weight off quick
  • Posted

    just thinking again about that doctor, what a bloody cheek to say that to you, men can be spiteful to older ladies, i am 56 and i look quite young, so you have nothing to worry about.if he said that to me, i would have told him off, for sure, doctor or no doctor, he is an unkind man
  • Posted

    Hang in there.  You will find a way to get it off.  Just in your mind F off all those who tell you its all about getting old or that every woman is at high risk for cancer, stroke, heart disease and on and on.  This bombardment of health risks helps no one. Too much info creates anxiety.  i don't even read those magazine the hospitals put out.  "You can be in perfect health and them boom your whole world is destroyed".  Waht does that do to people???

    Just be sensible. Take the emotion out of it.  Take a practical informed approach to your health.  And give youself a break.  None of us are perfect.  That cranky dr probably smokes, drinks, eats bacon sandwichs and has unprotected sex everyday for all you know.

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      your right beth, we all worry to much really, to much imformation creates a lot of worry, 
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      'Health' staff are some of the unhealthiest people around! In all the years they spend studying, most doctors only study nutrition for a few hours.

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      We are bombarded by 'information' every day - think of all those dxxn TV Ad's!

      But I really believe in lifelong education. Classic example - my OH has hurt his back, he went to his GP who prescribed painkillers but would not give him the anti-inflammatorys he needed. Looking up contraindications on the Net he found that they clashed with another med he was taking. This med had been given to him prior to surgery last year and the surgeon said he could stop taking it. But because it was not on his notes the GP was still doleing it out. He told his doc he wasn't taking that med anymore and he wanted the anti-inflammatorys. She wasn't happy, but he is, as the new meds are meaning he can sleep at night!

      See, education - it's how you use it.cheesygrin

  • Posted

    He obviously hasn't got any bedside manners !!!! 

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