Good days bad days.....always recurring

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Hi, last couple days I've been in a tearful woeful state....yet again! Just when I think I'm doing ok & sort of getting back to normal, the hormonal turmoil strikes again leaving me feeling totally 'off' in a tearful mess...OMG! 😖  where is the end, sick of this recurrent crap, am fed up n frustrated, why doesn't this all settle to normal gggrrrrr 😡 just want to have normal days without these woozy wonky feelings & the ranting n spitting a hail of menopausal bullets! I get worried this is going to be my permanant state, like the ok good days just give me false hope that normality has returned. 

Keep Well ladies


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35 Replies

  • Posted

    Hey lovely! .... What are you taking ... Anything at all for menopaus? X
    • Posted

      Hello, am doing this meno madness all natural 😣 HRT is not an option because of family history & I'm on BP meds. Have tried but no longer take herbal & other supplements/medication because I'm sensitive to what I take which often cause side effects & some don't mix well with BP meds.

      Take Care 

    • Posted

      Would you not consider an AD small dose it would take the edge off the anxiety if nothing else.... My hot flushes have returned with avengence this last two weeks and I now feel like I have gone back 2 years. Just hung my washing out and my whole body is aching today like I had done a workout yesterday ( I WISH ...could do with one! ). Feeling drained .... But being at home all the time I just drag through my chores. It is such a struggle daily! It would be nice to work again & get my independence back, to get out & feel part of the community/life!! Xxx
    • Posted


      Which herbal and other supplements did you take? Will you please share?

      Take care and hang in there please....just think you are not alone and we SHALL survive this...


  • Posted

    Hi Bobbins

    I empathise with you completely. I had started to feel quite 'normal' again with the help of HRT and ADs. However I always feel I'm sitting on a knife edge and it really only takes one little thing to tip the balance. I've lots of difficult family stuff going on at the moment which has been challenging but now I'm having to apply for jobs and have interviews too. It's such an unsettling time that my anxiety has returned with avengence. I wake in the mornings in a panic and feel really nauseous and jittery until about lunch time. I'm usually on top of things again by the evening but it's making it really difficult to work for a full day. I often travel to London by train too (that's where I'm writing this reply) which i find a real challenge.

    When you've had a period of feeling reasonably well and then it all starts again it's so demoralising isn't it? Caught myself thinking the other day it would be so much easier if I just died. It scares me when I think like that but I know it's just because these feelings are so wearing.

    I try to remind myself this is just a phase of life and will pass but it's so hard when you're in the middle of it.

    Take care my friend and do something today that makes you happy

    Anita x

    • Posted

      Hi, hope you're doing ok. Yes a phase but where is the end, certainly can make life difficult along with everything you I've thought I'd rather die because it seems never ending but all we can do is take each day as it comes. Some of my symptoms have eased but it's this weird scary body/head sensation that leave me in a blubbering mess then it passes n leaves me with a sense of an 'edge'  

      Keep Well, good luck with your job interviews 😊

    • Posted

      Hi Anita.  I can empathise with what you're going through and I'm so very sorry you're going through this.  I too tell myslef it will pass but it is hard to be positive and strong when you're struggling just to get through another day.  Thinking of you.  Take care. xx
  • Posted

    Yes bobbins

    I so agree with anita.

    Ive been in perimenopause eight years im now 48. This last year has been the hardest. Ive had cycles ranging from every three months to two a month. Needless to say I never know when a period will come.

    Im on low dose AD mirtazapine but tbh not really doing much for the depression and anxiety. I dont want to up the dose

    And what makes me even more angry is the fact that this perimenopause demon robs me of any joy!!!!!! I will explain. I became a grandmother for the first time two weeks ago and I was with ny daughter in labour. She didn't cope very well but I had to. Needless to say I became so illl almost like I had been traumatised. So instead of feelingoover the moon im now trying to get myself outof this anxiety and fatigue.

    its almost like ive lost the ability to deal with any kind iof stress.

    This site and the advice of these lovely women has been a Godsend.

    Im told this too shall pass. So take one day at a time. But I never in my wildest dreams thought that this transition would be so bad.

    Hang in there ladies xx

    • Posted

      Hi, hope you're ok. Congrats on the arrival of your grandbaby....i'm sure you're enjoying every moment being a Nan, I have grandkids but I don't see them. Anxiety seems to have a mind of its own! rearing its ugly head wherever n whenever, can be quite debilitating 😫 Almost a year since my last period, am 55. I agree...never thought this would be so bad, I wonder sometimes if I'm going to survive the transition Aaahhhrrrrr😪 

      Take Care, be kind to yourself, sending hugs 


    • Posted

      Yes im sometimes wonder ifI will make it through the other side. I seem to have lost myself.

      Jang on in there at least your close being nearly a year without a period.

      You could be closer than you tbink yo a new you x

  • Posted

    Dear Bobbins,

    I so know how you feel. It seemed like last year was the height of hello for me. My moods were all over the map, woke up anxious-had jelly legs until at least noon, felt so out of control of myself that I never thought it would end. It wasn't until earlier this year I went to a Naturopath, then a new doctor as well and discovered a few things that may or may not have been helpful for me. Sometimes I wonder now if things aren't simply winding down FINALLY. 

    Prior to that, I had tried an AD (low dose) and I believe it did take the edge off along with curbing some night sweats. I think it may (looking back) have been coincidental, but I did gain some weight (which made me a bit sad and frustrated) so I got off them. Weight gain can happen temporarily when hormones are shifting, but I stopped the pills and honestly the weight didn't drop anyway. Point being, dear, try a low dose course of ADs since HRTs are out of the question. 

    There is no need to feel this poor while things are changing. Thankfully there are many different types of meds and supplements that can help ease your discomfort. Finding what is the correct med for you make take a couple tries but please be patient (hard to do at a time like this I know) as there is something out there for you.

    Bobbins, it really does get better dear, it eventually passes, but in the meantime, please have your doctor help you find something to ease this bumpy ride for you!

    Annie xx

    • Posted

      Yes!! You are so right. There should be need for all of us to feel this awful. There have to be ways to make this a smoother ride and feel better so we can cope.

      Thanks for your kind words!

  • Posted

    Hi Bobbins

    Just to say I can sympathise with you.  I've had 2 days of anxiety/depression having been reasonably ok for a couple of weeks.  It really hits you badly when it comes back with a vengeance.  I just try to tell myslef it won't last forever.  I'm on Paroxetine 60mg and take Menopace supplement which I think helps.  

    I really just wanted to say I understand how you're feeling, it's 'normal' and you will always get support/advice on this forum.  The ladies are amazing! xx

    • Posted

      I agree michelle the support on here is amazing. I would have truly lost my mind if it weren't for the advice and being able to share

      Lets get through this together x

  • Posted

    Oh I know how you feel! I am in the okay stage at the moment, but for the most part of a year I was crying almost daily and yes, really felt like I would be better off if I was not on the planet anymore. I still get those times, but they are less prolonged and I am able to pull myself out of the slump a little easier. The only change I made was to take b12. The methylc (can't remember the rest of it) type that you let dissolve under your tounge. And for the wobbly legs, protein, protein, protein with every meal. It's feels like low blood sugar for me so the protein keeps things stable. I hope this can pass for you soon! 
    • Posted


      It's interesting you talk about low blood sugar. I have been thinking the same recently. I feel like I need to eat little and often or I definitely start to feel shaky. It's a toss up though when you feel fat and ugly and desperately want to lose weight. The last thing you want to be doing is eating all the time. I find I crave stodge too.


    • Posted

      And weight gain is so easy these days! I keep strips of poached chicken breast in the fridge. Sometimes I have nuts and seeds, too, but have to watch the fat on those. Avocadoes have plenty of fat, but it's all good fat. Half of one of those and it will shut me up until lunch. Yes, I'd rather eat chips or toast, too. sad
    • Posted

      Hi Sabrina, 

      How much of B-12 do we need to take daily? I bought a bottle of it 500 mcg not mg. There wasn't any mg

      And, I do have the wobbly legs which are very scary, indeed. You feel so unstable and it feels weird. My arms right below my elbows also feel weak. 

      1 mcg = 0.1 mg I believe.

      So, B-12 helps with anxiety? 

      Thank you so much! Hope you feel better and good days are ahead of us!!

      love and hugs


    • Posted


      The b12 definitely calms my nerves, yes. I take one of these a day: 

      Sublingual Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12), 1000 mcg.

      It took a week before I really started to notice that I wasn't crying (what felt like) all the time, and I can even leave the house without feeling like the world is going to crash on my head!

      The wobbly legs are hard to deal with. I mainly get the wobbly low sugar feeling, but I have felt the other wobbly leg feelings and it is quite scary! 

      Hope you you can find some relief!

    • Posted

      Hi Sabrina,

      Thanks so much! I bought the B-12 and 6 from a drugstore here. And, I checked yours and obviously it's the one that you take under the tongue.

      And, it's better for absorption. Oh, well...too late now. I can't return the ones that I already have. 

      Mine is only 500 mcg so the nurse is supposed to call me tmrw. I will ask her how much more I can take safely. 

      I have read that B-6 is harmful if taken overtime and it damages the nerves?? I don't know if it's true but it's all over the internet.

      Ya. The wobbly legs are bad but they are worst after my anxiety attacks. 

      Im going to ask the nurse what the wobbly legs are related to. 

      I tell you these gyno and nurses could care less. So insensitive. I wonder how their menopause was!! Geez you could be a little know!

      Anyway, please take care and thank you again.




    • Posted


      It is true that if you do take over 100 mgs for a long period of time, some people can experience irreversible nerve damage. Check out well known physicians that caution against taking too much. Easily googled. Good luck!


    • Posted

      Hi Annie,

      Thanks! It's really strange because I asked the pharmicist  today and she said that it's completely false because when you take B vitamins, they don't harm you at all. Whatever is not absorbed washes out.

      So confusing. 

      I have checked it out that's why I was wondering about it. 

      take care,


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