Good to know I am not going mad

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Hi all. This site was my saviour when I had frozen shoulder so I do not know why it has taken me this long to.

join the menopause discussion. I have read several posts and it has made me realise that I am not slowly going mad or indeed about to die of a dreadful illness. I am postmenopausal I have not had a period for around 4 years. I have in that time suffered with frozen shoulder in both sides which i strongly believe is associated with hormones (although many people ; mainly males; think not?) I have had terrible pain in my ribs and suffered with a 'popping' sensation where I thought my rib had broken from just turning over in bed. I had blood tests and xray and all were negative so I asked the doctor could the symptoms be related to hormones? His response was to laugh; and say no, however no further medical reasoning was given.

I turn 51 on Tuesday and this is the first time that I feel my age; feeling at that invisible stage; I feel unattractive and of little use. I am starting to forget things; and my skin / hair are suffering. The hot flushes are coming more frequently; I have totally lost my sex drive and my eyesight has greatly reduced. I do try and remain positive and exercise each night; I have changed my diet which I feel is making a difference. I do wonder if I will ever feel normal again ? i haven't resorted to any medication as of yet but i have started thinking about HRT but I have heard the scare stories too, so it has put me off. if anyone has any advice or feedback I would love to here from you.

thank you

Cindy x

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    i would completely agree with feeling like you were going crazy if it weren't for this site. i seriously think i would be medicated right now just to calm my anxiety if it weren't fir being able to hear others were going through similar situations. i am so grateful for all these lovely ladies!! even if i dont have all the answers yet, it calms my mind in the meantime. If you don't mind me asking, how did you change your diet that you are noticing a difference?

    • Posted

      morning and thank you for the birthday message. regarding my diet I turned vegetarian a about 18 months ago and I have been vegan for just over a year. I found this change eased my joint pains.

      I did feel like I was slightly going mad; menopause seems like a taboo subject as those not going through have no idea of the feelings; and I believe that so many women suffer in silence. I agree it is great to reach out to the ladies of this site ; share stories; feelings; what helps or exaggerates the symptoms. can I ask how old you are and your symptoms?

      take care

    • Posted

      Cindy, I just turned 44. since October i have had rib cage pain (may or may not be related to peri). i have had dizzy/light headed spells, weakness in my arms and legs, tingling sensations in my legs, worse arthritis pain especially in my hands, worse eyesight, etc. There is a post in this site naming 66 peri symptoms and i have 47 of them. However, my hormone blood tests are coming back that all is normal. Periods are still happening but are more irregular in timing and shorter in duration. I just wish someone would tell me this is all from hormonal imbalance so I wasnt constantly worried about more serious conditions being the cause. 

    • Posted

      bless your heart it does sound like you are suffering a great deal. from what I believe the doctors wont say you are menopausal until you have been period free for 2 years but women are suffering for many years before this in the peri stage but doctors do not appear to acknowledge this stage. I am not medically qualified but all I can say is that I have experienced some of the symptoms you have. dizziness; anxiety; brain fog; severe joint pain. I hope with the support of the ladies on here we can all get through x

    • Posted

      yes! its crazy! i cannot believe in this day and age with medical technology being what it is, there is no way for the drs to diagnose peri. thank you for your response and letting me know im not alone!

    • Posted

      hello! i have read your post from 10 months ago and I was wondering how you feel these days. i have terrible pain in my hands, carpal tunnel syndrome out of nowhere and fingers pain. my rib cage is painful, tension in my muscles, breast pain. all my tests are coming back normal, the ones for auto imune diseases also and i am feel i am 30 years older. i ll turn 40 in May and i lost my joy. any advices? is your pain better, did you do something to help you? Happy New Year!

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