Got a high free T4 results 1.93
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Hi you guys!
so for the past 20plus years I been taking levotyroxine for my hypothyroidism after my radioactive iodine treatment, and since I'm now 47 I started taking an over the counter supplement dong quai just to make me feel better with my peri menopause symptoms but now my thyroid free T4 results are a 1.93 and the dictor believes that is because my dong quai self treatment…! My question is has anyone had this happen and what did you do, please ladies any thing will help greatly
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gema57497 Goddess1
Hi Goddes
I think that it will be a good idea to visit your endocrinologist. I have Graves' disease . I was diagnosed about a year ago. I am on methimazole and my levels are normal . I can't tell you why your levels has increased especially if you were treated with iodine . But this is always a good idea to check with your doctor just to be on the save side . I hope that I could help you more than that . Regards
Goddess1 gema57497
Hi Gema
thanks so much for responding to my comment I am very scare as to guy I'm going hyperthyroidism now, it's been over 20 yrs since I was treated with iodine…! I'm just curious if it can come back.
gema57497 Goddess1
Dear Goddess,
I know that it is always good to be 100 percent healthy and especially when you already went through all these worries . I am the same way. But as my friend endocrinologist said once when I was worrying about my thyroid so much that of all diseases this is one of the best diseaseaaes to have . Everything with thyroid is managble . I think that she is right . Many people would want to trade our problem to theirs . Please do not be scared . Just get it checked . And no matter what , this problem is fixable and you are gonna be just fine . Please keep me posted . Best regards .
Goddess1 gema57497
thats actually a great way to look at it! I will look at it more positive & focus on getting my levels to normal range!
gema57497 Goddess1