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Hello ladies
I know we are all suffering in our own ways, but together we are a team I think, and are there to support each other. We do so much sharing of all the awful things going on and our struggles, and I wondered if we focus on how brave, resilient and strong we are. So, I've been tasked by my new hypnotherapist /psychotherapist to keep a gratitude journal. The idea is, I focus on being proud of myself instead of permanently judging, negative thoughts etc...... So I thought if you're interested, we could start a thread to help us concentrate on what we are proud of /grateful for in our journey. I'm hoping you'll give it a go too ? here's mine:
1. I'm proud that I'm stronger than I ever thought. Even though it is hard each day, I'm up and functioning and that can be a challenge
2. I'm grateful for support from you ladies, my friends/family even though they don't understand they do their best!
3. I'm proud of myself for choosing treatments that work for me, and I'm not afraid to challenge my gp to get the right approach
Please give it a go. I hope we'll have a thread where we can celebrate ourselves for once for how unique and tough we are.
Lots of love, Sara xx
9 likes, 31 replies
michelle97919 Sassyr12a
Like you im proud of myself for enduring ten years of peri suffering and still able to encourage others.
I still counsel and support my daughter who has anxiety issues.
I look after my grandaughter even when feeling awful.
Im proud i still work three days a week despite the anxiety and fatigue.
I have five children and a husband and two grandchildren snd even when i feel i cant go on i still do. For them!!!
This has been a hell of a journey but i thank God that he woke me up this morning.
Not everyone saw another day.
I know this will make us stronger and more empathetic towards others on this journey and to speak openly and honestly about the awful symptoms.
Not enough is talked about in this day and age
Stay strong my lovely ladies x
jo67532 michelle97919
Love this thread! This morning I woke up and told myself to go for a walk and I did.. a long one! I felt great when I got back and really felt proud of myself!
I'm so thankful I can come on here and find support. There is always informative things to learn and the feeling that I am not alone makes me gain strength for myself. I'm so glad I'm not as scared as I used to be before finding this forum!!
I'm grateful for my family and all the support they give me no matter how crazy I might seem some days
Today is a good day and I'm going to do my best to enjoy it! Thank you so much for this thread! It really has boosted me up
Much love to all of you ladies <3
Sassyr12a jo67532
Thanks Jo, good for you! I'm wishing good days for everyone
jazzy77001 Sassyr12a
Oh I'm so glad you started this forum! To be completely honest just today I was thinking maybe I should stop coming on. It seemed everything I read made me feel worse or anxious about what new symptom I had to look forward to. And there was no balance. Even some of the ladies that have come out the other side were saying it's still awful.......phew would be lovely to share some light.
I am grateful for you! What a wonderful thing to do bless your heart and thank you again.
I am also grateful for meditation and yoga for helping me achieve some peace.
I am so thankful for my beautiful family who can always manage to make me smile.
Sassyr12a jazzy77001
Hi Michelle & Jazzy
You both made me have a lil weep! I'm so glad you picked up the thread and ran with it. Sometimes you have to dig to see the good, because everything seems so bad but you both are amazing, strong, positive ladies. A little bit of sunshine never hurt anyone. Hopefully more of our friends will join in, but it not I'm sooooo glad you did? ? ? xxxx
betty11791 Sassyr12a
I'm thankful for the strength I get each day to function though deep down I'm struggling
I'm thankful each day I wake up and face my challenges and thankful for the love and support I get from my family
Sassyr12a betty11791
Thanks Betty, that's amazing. Strength in numbers
Guest Sassyr12a
What a breath of fresh air...I am grateful for...
my wonderful husband and children
for even on my worst days, having the strength to care for my disabled son
that I do not have any of the horrible ailments I have been tested for
for this forum
ME...I am strong and awesome. It sucks but this too shall pass. 😊
Sassyr12a Guest
kim35797 Sassyr12a
I have found things hard to cope with .
im also greatfull for my family lucky to have them .
Keep up the good work everyone x
Sassyr12a kim35797
Thanks for sharing the love today Kim, you're fab xx
haley30534 Sassyr12a
Yes great thread, I'm proud to admit I struggle with anxiety although I'm much better thanks to meds, but it brought the whole anxiety depression taboo to the front don't be ashamed to admit that your struggling x
Sassyr12a haley30534
Hi hayley
Me too, but you know what... We're human, and I think everyone does but power to you for saying it out loud because I know how hard it is. Thanks for being a part of this thread today ? xx
kelly55079 Sassyr12a
etWhat a breath of fresh air!! : ) At times, I do get down reading all that I have to look forward too (NOT). But then other times the support here is awesome!! And suggestions too-- and this is why I continue to come back. Years ago, the big O herself suggested to keep a gratitude journal.
I'm grateful that I have the strength to get up each day and take care of my kids the best I can and they are good kids but a lot of work!!
I'm also thankful that I have supportive parents and siblings in my life--they give me the strength to keep going even thou I don't want too.--my siblings can make me laugh.
I'm very thankful that we both have jobs and have what we need in life.
And also very grateful to have friends to go do fun things with and talk about things that I can't with anyone else.
Sassyr12a kelly55079