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Hello lovely ladies
Some of you who have been on the forum for a while might remember my post from last year about gratitude, and I just wanted to try to recreate some of the magic. This journey can be so hard that we lose sight of the little things that are good, because of the overwhelming symptoms. So the idea is to just think of 3 things that you are grateful for today. For me it's :
- Even though some days are really hard, I'm grateful and proud that I can keep pushing through, hoping for a happy ending
- I'm grateful for my family, even though they don't get it, they try to support me and make me see the funny side of life too
- I'm grateful for today. I went for a walk and for just 20 minutes there was a little bit of sunshine on my face and it lifted my heart and reminded me that even though I'm wonky, today could still be a good day
I'd love to hear your thoughts . Sometimes it's nice to look at 3 good things, and park the list of 666 symptoms for tomorrow 😊
I hope you can have a good day xxx
6 likes, 20 replies
JReady64 Sassyr12a
Thank you.. Sometimes we need a reminder.. I do try to always remember that I still have things to be thankful for.. even on the roughest days.. even if it's just my daughter asking me if I need anything.. or bringing me a bowl of ice cream.. that I'm not supposed to eat.. but whatever.. haa
Gypsy014 Sassyr12a
Good morning sassy, what a wonderful idea.. It helps to get your mind going into a positive direction...
I am grateful
staci88515 Sassyr12a
I'm grateful for my mom who has been fearless in the face of cancer. And, who took an Uber to the ER when I was taken there by ambulance during a migraine aura. *She doesn't drive and I had never heard of an aura before that day.
My pups. They are never more than an arm's reach away. They make my heart fill with love. *Someone said to me once, "They are a part of your world, but to them, you are their whole world.
This community. When I was in my darkest moments of despair feeling completely lost and alone, it gave me immense comfort to know that others had the same exact symptoms with their vision. I wasn't alone and this was a safe place to be vulnerable and voice my fears. *Thanks, beautiful ladies!
sherri87081 Sassyr12a
The 3 things that I am thankful today for are: 1. This forum, It helps me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 2. I woke up this morning feeling pretty good, so I am thankful for that. 3. I went outside this morning and sat on my porch and watched the rain. I love to watch the rain. It's so soothing for me. It seems like it washes everything clean, and I am thankful for that. I have a whole list of things I am thankful for, especially God's tender mercies on my family and myself. Thank you for your post. It really made me stop and think that even though I have my rough days, and feel like I can't make it through, there are so many things to be thankful for. Hugs to you.
CarolKelso Sassyr12a
Lovely post
Yes it is important to remember the good stuff and thank you for reminding us.
Thank you ladies, it makes you realise how precious life is and how brave and amazing you all are xx
Takingtime Sassyr12a
Love this Sassy! I believe Gratitude is the ingredient for a healthy and happy life. So I will continue on to your list:
1.) I am thankful for the good bare roads today to travel on ( I live where there is a lot of ice and snow so this is HUGE when you can drive on bare pavement this time of year) allowing safe travelling.
2.) Sunshine oh my goodness always welcome and gives us so much energy.
3.) My family, my kids who keep me young and keeps my body moving. My husband who understands well maybe not understands but loves me enough to give me room to deal with this phase of life.
4.) Okay one more.....I am thankful for life, the blue skies, the birds, my little warm house.....well I could just go on and on.....
There is ALWAYS something or someone to be thankful for, and putting our focus on that or them takes away the focus on these insane symptoms. 😃
julia22964 Sassyr12a
Thank you for that. Some days are really hard and it is always good to be grateful and remember all the good things in our life as we transition through this valley. I am thankful for my husband who also doesn't always understand but is always there and supportive.
It's been so lovely reading your posts, like a little Ray of light... Thank you xxx
juanita93228 Sassyr12a
I've started a journal. I just write about my day. But I also make sure that I write down at least one thing that I'm grateful for. Most day it ends up being more than one.
Guest Sassyr12a
Hi Sassy!
I am grateful for...
Getting up today and soldiering on even though I felt horrible and wanted to hide under the covers. My dog Allie and kitty Clancy had their check ups today and I will be damned if I was going to cancel! Of course I love my other kitty Bella and dog Buddy too!
My husband and 2 kids who put up with me on the days I can barely stand myself.
You ladies! I felt so ill this morning. Opened my email only to see the words "Itchy Nipples" (thanks Marisol). My nipples are not itchy (today). But, man did I need a smile 😃
staci88515 Guest
Not fair! I want some Itchy Nipples in my inbox! Bwahahahahaha!!!!
Guest staci88515
Yeah, with your functioning ovaries! LOL!! Mine are all shriveled up! LOL! 😃 😃
staci88515 Guest
HAHA!!!!!! I'm ready for the shriveled ovaries. I don't know how many more of these heavy periods I can take!
joann1972 Sassyr12a
What a wonderful idea.
I'm beyond grateful for recently finding this site. It allows me to not only realize I'm not crazy but brings me comfort knowing I'm not alone.
I'm grateful for the support of love of those close to me whom may not understand what I'm going through but love me through it.
I'm grateful for my children, grandchildren and amazing friends.
Wishing you each of you a symptom free day/night.