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Am i the only mom who feels annoyed my man is home and he is outside painting rail on deck not that im not appreciative but im the one who is home day and night with kids i work from home dont socialize with adults my age now kids home for summer and today im in my house wat hing my son who is annoying me while im rting to move furniture in room and nowbi just dont want to do it i never get a break from kids and he is outside andni feel guilty that my idea if relaxing right now is not to ho to store and buy food or clean or cook or hang out with my kids this is what i do all the time and i feel very annoyed and think there is something wrong with me cause i feel this way i thinkneveryone else is out having fun and doing fin things i dont know i guess its just motherhood
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tammie67872 christina81747
Be thankful your husband is home.He could be out defending your country.Think of all the men who can't be home.You are right mother hood is irritating at times but well worth it.Happy 4th of July.Have a moment of peace and quiet and enjoy the day.
kelly55079 christina81747
No your not the only one!!! This morning spouse was trying to get my to make breakfast which I do often BUT today I'm extremely tired so I had him take the kids out to breakfast. I do feel guilty BUT in the same token he is not handy around the house (your lucky!) nor does he cook or help around the house. You defiantly need a break--- are the kids in any camp this summer? Perhaps, spouse can take a day off or half day off so that you can do something for yourself. It so important to do even lunch or dinner with a friend.
Sassyr12a christina81747
I'm sure it's not just you but isn't that just part of married life. If it were me, I'd be outside too. Think if I sit and think about all of the things that annoy me, I just end up more annoyed. If I feel that way, I just get out of the house, get some fresh air, take a walk and things feel manageable again.... But if you want to paint, go paint and get the kids painting 😊
im not complaining about my husband being home its just that he is doing something he wants to do and im left with the kids i havent had a break in 6 years havent had time alone with him ever and no i sont want to paint i painted my whole jouse with him a few years ago its like i do same thing 7 days a week and never have a break !
renee61138 christina81747
I want to tell are not alone! I have been married for 8 years. My husband abd I have 1 child together he is 4 and is my complete heart. I have 3 grown sons whom are all away at school and 2 teenage daughters. I am 42 and in peri for 3 years. I am home all day long with my son. I stopped working when i was pregnant and my husband works hard and like you now I too work from home. I do all the cooking and cleaning take care of my son and what ever else needs to be done. But between us girlfriends I am a little jelouse of my husband he is loving n kind suoer supportive however he is fearless he will walk for miles. go on adventures wants to do all these activities that I just cant keep up with. I suffer from anxiety and stress and i try to do things like taking hot baths or read but again im in the house. I can only be outside in the heat for small periods of time and I feel horrible and it does make me cranky. Your feeling are valid and I completely understand. You have to try to find something you enjoy. After dinner tell hubby my time now and just do something anything go for a drive a walk window shop what ever it is you feel like. I promise you it will help you will feel better I promise. Big hug to you...xoxo
2chr2015 christina81747
christina and renee. you both live in the same world i do and have for a long time. I am very appreciative that my husband is home after many years of being away with his job. He is retired from that and works normal hours now. we have one child left at home. i also work from home. when he gets home, he stays outside working around the house...yard, cars, etc....i get it. he works in an office all day and says he needs to, plus it helps him wind down. But, I have those same feelings. so, you are not alone. it is just a part of motherhood and marriage. sometimes when he gets home i ask him if he can just spend five minutes talking to me before he heads outside. it is really hot here, so yeah when the sun goes down we take the dog for a walk...but i remember when the kids were young. that wasn't always possible. and i don't really want me time, i just want him to be in the house with me lol ...(until we start getting on each others nerves haha). and along with renee, my husband plays golf and fishes in tournaments A LOT. and yes i am jealous of that because i don't have anything like that for me. If i did, he would be supportive. He encourages me to get out of the house. But, I have no idea what I would do lol. A lot of things i thought i would be doing at this point in my life with our youngest finishing up highschool, i don't have the desire to do. Now throw the looming empty nest into the mix and I am a HOT MESS! Sorry, i didnt mean to go off on a tangent but i think its normal to have these feelings. not fun though
lisa95354 2chr2015
2chr... hello there. My reply to Christine duplicated,hope that doesn’t happen with this reply, this forum is making me crazy with its mistakes ...grrrr! I don’t have children but I do have a husband... I know exactly what you mean. I thought I would be traveling... having the time of my life... but even if I was given a free cruise... I don’t know that I would even go. It’s like all the wind is out of our sails at this time in our lives, and it is exasperating:( I am three years post menopause. at least we have each other, I’m thankful for that ... hope this finds you doing well 😃
lisa95354 christina81747
Oh Christina… Let me just tell you, the love I have for you for bringing this up. Sweetheart you were not the only one not having fun believe me sister I am right there with you… LOL. I swear to God yesterday Fourth of July that is exactly how I felt, I got hammered on my patio by hammered I do meet hammered. I had oh Christina… Let me just tell you, the love I have for you for bringing this up. Sweetheart you were not the only one not having fun believe me sister I am right there with you… LOL. I swear to God yesterday Fourth of July that is exactly how I felt, I got hammered on my patio and buy hammered I do meet hammered. I had night neighbors lighting off those horrible more tours, like a quarter stick of dynamite left and right to almost 1 in the morning, the cops do nothing about it, I digress sorry. I don’t know but I feel this way strongly and I know that another friend of mine does as well. It almost feels like life is passing us by like we’re just sitting on the front porch and the ship is sailing away, and by ship I mean the fun ship. I have felt this way for years though. I think social media and sell phones have basically room socializing for the rest of eternity. I have also found and this may sound terrible but it’s true the people kind of really don’t wanna be bother with you unless they can use your for something, yes I said it is out of the bag! like you’ll see people at the store and they’ll be like oh give me your phone number we got to get together and then you give them ur phone number and you never hear from them I mean never. All I can tell you is I feel this way as well, you are not alone and I’m sure most of the women feel that way also. And resentment is something that really bubbles up at this time. I know I’ve said before that this time of our life is also where we should be cleaning up and tidying what’s going on that we’re not happy with. Whether it be job, family, kids, husband no matter what. I made a conscious choice not to have children even though I love them to pieces and yes I am three years post menopause and I find myself thinking holy crap I should’ve had kids ! my point is we all have this plate and all of our plates look different but we all have something on these plates that we need to address. That would be very difficult working out of your home and taking care of the children and I know what you mean about the socializing. There is an app called “meet up“ are you able to go on there to find people you have something in common with, like children and working from home. it’s a very handy app. I wish I had some magic words, but I really don’t, I guess try to address the resent it with your husband and see how that goes, let me know if it was like a lead balloon… LOL 😉 we are in all this together ....literally ! it’s like I told my friend, it’s like we are entering the titanic with a Dixie cup ...or solo cup ....and it has a hole in the bottom as well