Guys, why do you think some people do not have symptoms.
Posted , 16 users are following.
How come some women feel no symptoms during meno?
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Posted , 16 users are following.
How come some women feel no symptoms during meno?
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Struggling50 anetta94863
I don't know but it is not fair!
Maybe we have had more exposure to something that disrupts our hormones than they have?
Eliaimee1970 anetta94863
maria76995 anetta94863
Hi Anneta, I don't understand myself why those people get away with cousin is going through this and don't get Anexity or panic attacks night sweats nothing really to complain about its really weird all I could say these people hormones must love them Lol which I was like that,but I heard if you have periods at 16 you wouldn't go through it very long either no idea if that's true though.
amy341731 anetta94863
juanita93228 amy341731
Only 15 percent of women have no menopause symptoms. But you know what? I think they may be having symptoms that they are associating with age or not associating with menopause at all. Like achy joints, frozen shoulder, digestive issues, dry eyes, etc. Some women don't do the research to realize menopause is more than hot flashes and mood swings.
2chr2015 amy341731
klm1213 anetta94863
beth12460 anetta94863
I have not had as much as many others write about. I was quite surprised how debilitating it can be.
It could be genetic. I have a friend where the bad symptoms run in the family. They even had marital problems due to menopause.
But also I think it depends on your overall health prior and during peri and menopause. I have had to make major changes in my diet and my supplements. I also apply an over the counter progesterone cream. Whatever they tell you in the dr's office some I think is BS as I found more info in this forum than anywhere else.
Gypsy014 anetta94863
They go thru perimeno just not as bad as all of us and some don't even relalize that they are having symptoms, they just don't put 2 and 2 together.. I'm forever telling my sister that's a menopause symptom, her eyes were very dry eyelids patchy and flaky and itched for like 2 years , I'm like that's meno, she just brushed it off, her hair is thinning, again I'm like that's a meno symptom, brushed that off as well.. Caught her crying a couple times told her again meno... Red flushes and she would get ho, for that she would say yes that's meno, but really none of the other symptoms she put together with meno, and she would flood during her periods and the doctors did a hysterectomy on her like 3 years ago, and she had everything removed , took a few of the hormones and then decided she didn't want them and takes nothing so I know she's going thru some kind of something just obviously not near as bad as me... She's 52 and I'm 47, and I had the hysterectomy many many years ago and still have my ovaries .. My mom is same as my sister had a hysterectomy at age 50 because of flooding during her periods.. They both were so much alike with symptoms moody hot red faced,itchy eyes dry eyes, swollen painful joints, that's another one of my sister's big time compaints were here fingers swelling and joints hurting, but never ever put the 2 together just chalked it up as arthritis and whatever else (age) so I'm pretty sure these other woman definitely go thru something just not as bad and don't realize that there symptoms are actually the menopause!
Struggling50 Gypsy014
Also my sister just keeps on pushing on, I have no idea how she does it or any other woman going thru perimeno, these woman go to work and come home take care of their house and family she's a real trooper I'll tell you, and me I cannot even leave the house when my symptoms are bad and they truley are so very severe, I can't shop I can't clean, I feel like passing out if I stand up to long , and the list goes on and on, so I couldn't even think about holding a job outside my home, and keeping up with house work what's that? I wouldn't be able to.. Menopause has taken my entire life away from me, for the moment , ( I'm hoping) and I'm just waiting for it to come back to me!
Gypsy014 Struggling50
maria76995 Gypsy014
Hi gypsy I could relate to this me and you together, yes it does I'm trying ever so hard, all need to do is sleep but we get through it by the grace of God keep praying.
beth12460 anetta94863
vicky77852 anetta94863