Had enough of this

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I am just worn out with this.  I have tried supplements, acupuncture and life style changes with some medical support for the menopause and yes some things have got better but other things go on. My bladder is improved but still niggles, memory dreadful,anxiety and inner rage goes on and aching kness, ankles and hip bone really getting me down.  I exercise, properly as I have a trainer, and despite stretching, mobilisation, strength work, resting nothing works.  I can hardly kneel down!!!!  This is just awful and if I can't get to the gym I will go bonkers.  I have had phsio on my knees, do special strength exercises, take rose hip, devils claw and have tried fish oils and glucosimine....nothing makes a differnece!!!!  I have Docs on Thursday and I am seriously thinking about HRT!!  Anyone had positive repsonses to muscle pain or can anone suggest anything else...I also go to the jacuzzi to see if it helps despite my fear of germs!!!! #atmywitsend!!!!

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Im the same if it helps, new day new problem,i say to my family,god i feel 100% today,im on the up,next day some rears its ugly head.I was on HRT for 7 months but it didnt agree with me,so trying on my own and its hard.mine are sinus, headaches and boiling hot at night.Today i turned funny and hurt my hip .At the momment om just saying to myself its old age but im only 53,god knows what i be like at 80 if im still here.So i sympathise with you.
  • Posted

    oh me too......!  Seems so unfair that some people just seem to sail through it.  I can't even remember what I did literally 5 minutes ago and now have to check the house twice before going out in case I've left the stove on....or a candle lit....or the tortoise in the bath...and then I have to check that I'm dressed and haven't gone out without my trousers on or something...that's how bad it's got 😂
    • Posted

      Sorry you are suffering too.....god my anxiety is not good tonight!!!! I sometimes forget the route to places, forget words, put clothes on the wrong way forget how to do things....just terrible!!!  Hope you never go out without your trousers on...or at least if you do you have not forgotten your pants as well!!!!XXXX
    • Posted

      Omg Bubbins 

      i do that, go back to check alsorts hahahaha

      thought it was just OCD me .. 

      I even pull out drive in car, park up and go back and hang on front door checking i have locked it 

      nightmare, but i been like this years.

      we were on a plane once, and my partner said to me, half way on the flight , ' i am sure you left the iron on ' it was his joke..

      OMG i went all panicky and had to think about the iron..

      ( it wasnt on ) but it started me twitching) 


      jay x

  • Posted

    at the mo im sitting here blinding headache dressing gown on,off on off becauase im so hot now i no i go to bed and not sleep because i sweat so much.Great fun isnt it,i think i have had all the symptoms of menopause, my dr says your just unlucky,no s ..t, lol. I am 53 no periods for 3 years, been going through it since 45, what i want to know is how long is it until i feel normal again surly it cant be much longer ? x
    • Posted

      Hi Trudy I feel for you and hope you have a better day tomorrow.  I believe the meno lasts about 10 years and symptoms dimishing as time goes on....not sure though if that is right!!! I have been suffering for about 6 years and currently it is at it's peak.....no periods for a year....hope I don't have 3 years of this I would go mad!!!!!LOL (well madder)!!!
  • Posted

    Hi Margaret,

    Sorry to hear things are getting you down, I can empathise completely.  My main complaint which started a year ago, was horrible muscle aches & pains.  I see that you have tried acupuncture, this helped me greatly, but it took 6 weeks of weekly sessions to get the benefit.  I now have 1 session a month which usually keeps it manageable, and have reduced my strong painkillers from 3 times/day, to now and again.  

    So so if you only had a couple of sessions, please consider perseverance with it, or find a therapist who comes recommended.  Mine specialises in women's health.

    Good luck


    • Posted

      Thanks Viv I will do that as it has helped with flushes.....back Thursday so will ask him to focus on pain.  Glad u are feeling less pain.XXXX
  • Posted

    I'm afraid I'm one of those who seems to be sailing through it...I do remember the night sweats but they didn't bother me unduly. Only bad thing was that I didn't have a washing machine so lots of hand washing....! and the good thing was that as I also didn't have any heating in my house, it meant that I was never cold at night in bed and even had the window wide open in winter...!!! I have had so many aches and pains but always put them down to other things, such as my work etc. My energy has got up and gone but again, I just figured this was due to the fact that at 54 I ought not to expect to keep up with people less than half my age. I guess I just take it as a fact of life that I'm ageing and no spring chicken any more, alas. Oh and yes I do the checking and rechecking and going back to the door to make sure the gas is turned off and the door locked, but I always assumed this was due to my phobia about the house catching fire or my dog escaping if the door were to blow open...but these are phobias I've always had and i can't say if they have got any worse specifically now that I'm menopausal. Trudy, I had to smile because that is me all over - the dressing gown on and off and on and off...the heating up and down and up and down....people look at me walking down the road in Winter in 3C temps with sandals on and a t-shirt and are totally gobsmacked - I just tell them that a) it's "that time of life" and b) that I spent 31 years in Yorkshire and that the Devon temps are like the Bahamas by comparison!!

    I think the length of all this is just so subjective it's not possible to estimate, as every one of us is different from anyone else. I wonder if I might still have the worst to come (I knew someone who was having hot flushes into her 70s) so not sitting back on my laurels toooo much yet! but I really think that it's just so individual to each of us that all we can do is go with the flow and deal with every new symptom as part of the ageing process.

  • Posted

    ....so had I Margaret....and with a VERY demanding job, I had no time OR inclination to put up with all of the symptoms you've described.....added to no sex drive or fun in my life any more !!

    I can only tell you HRT worked for me....truly. I just thought "stuff this" "I really don't want to put up with this if I don't have to.....so off I went to my GP. I was lucky, I had been on a combined pill until later in life which suited me. So we just looked for the same combination of drug in HRT and it worked !!! 

    All of us are different, what works for some......will not work for others, but it's trial and error. Make a good doctor listen to your woes, keep a diary of symptoms and feelings to show them AND your partner....you are NOT going mad......read on, there are SO many women suffering in these forums. 

    I started to feel better almost immediately, within 10 days...truly ! And within 6 weeks felt " normal" again.....I came out the other side 10years on (weaning myself onto a lower and lower dose...pills, patches, and patches cut in half ) and I'm FINE !! 

    Don't suffer in silence out of some misplaced loyalty ie, " well other women do it " YOU decide how you want this transition to go for you only...be selfish....take care of yourself better than you ever have....and choose what's right for you. Unlike our mothers and grandmothers...we don't have to feel like this anymore...

    Good luck honey. Xx💝

    • Posted

      Thanks for this Mel. You hear so many bad stories about HRT , it's good to hear a successful one. Thank you for your post. It makes a lot of sense and I'm glad you managed to come off the HRT without difficulty. I am at the point where I am considering it but find myself in a real dilemma. I have tried to live with the muscle and joint pain for the last 3 yrs but it's getting me down and I really want to get back to living. Food for thought. Xx
    • Posted

      Hi - I had muscle & joint pain - I take Osteocare original by Vitabiotics it has (Calcium-Magnesium-D3 & Zinc) the magnesium is for muscle pain & D3 is for bone pain. I have researched this as I had pain all over especially in my arms & neck & couldn’t bare the pain any longer it was driving me insane! I am so happy this has worked for me, it took a good couple of months to kick in but I feel like my old self again!
    • Posted

      Thanks Barbara, I already take magnesium, D3 and zinc. Only thing I don't have is the calcium, but I do get plenty of yogurt and milk. I'll take a look at the osteo care and see what doses it has . Thanks for the advice. Xx
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      You're welcome hun, good luck to you..💝
  • Posted

    Hello Margaret, I am also feeling the same and it is very frustrating, although I am not on a regular exercise program. I do move all the time as my life is on the go always and I do move furniture in my store. I am going to try this new CDs I got which are supposed to help with Joint pain and I will let you know if that helps at all.  I do not have  an helpful answer for you except it may make you feel better that you are not alone in this sort of pain and ache. I tried acupuncture a bout a month ago and that helped. I had to interrupt it because of cost but I might have to go back to it as soon as i can afford it again.

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