Hair loss

Posted , 12 users are following.

I am 44 and struggling with perimenopause. I am losing my hair and it is so much thinner....this is really upsetting me...can anyone help or give advice. I am not on hrt.

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31 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Too hot

    This is really depressing, I've lost my hair too. This is much thinner now as it was before peri.

    I use traditional method since this summer and this greatly helps, though this takes months to see an effect. I boil  a green or black tea leaves leave it overngth and wash my hair massaging my scalp with a baby shampoo or  milder ones without much chemicals. Even thinner, hair loss has been much redused and growing faster. This is quite realxing too... You could try. NO side effects. Good luck. 

  • Posted

    My hair started to feel thinner too, my hairdresser recommended Davines 'oi' shampoo and conditioner. I've been using them for 6 months now and my hair has much improved.. Really good condition too.


  • Posted

    You can add Biotin to your vitamin regimen. This is the vitamin that promotes hair growth, clearer skin and stronger nails.
  • Posted


    i had rhis hair loss, and took a supplement called Kelp 1000mg one a day .. After a few weeka the hair stops falling out, took it for years..

    last year i thought i wouls stop taking it .. And 2-3 months later my hair was falling worse, blocking plug hole, clumps in brush..

    took kelp again and few weeka later it stopped again, nails also lovely

    it really helps and years ago a doctor recommended it, and its good for peri and post meno anyway..

    Kelp 1000mg capsules 

    jay x

    • Posted

      Kelp also good for thyroid health, 

      Always ask for the Thyroid blood test too. check that ..

      if you take Thyroxine or meds for thyroid,  then check with doc before taking any Kelp at all

      my thyroid was checked but all was ok, mine was due to peri and menopause my hair loss ( hormone decline ) so Kelp was amazing for me

      jay x

    • Posted

      Hi Jayneejay, I took Kelp years ago to help with hair growth & strengthening was amazed by it, stopped taking it and really forgot all about foward - I'm post meno now & hair is falling out and thining fast - so I again started taking Kelp - its amazing the effect it has smile my hair has stopped falling out now - feels thicker & is now very glossy smile I think its the iodine, & like you say you must get your thyroid checked out before you start taking this supplement smile

      Trudy77450 you can buy in health shops or funnily enough I got mine from the home brew shop! Good luck everyone smile But don't forget to check with your doc first smile

    • Posted

      i have had a blood test recently im sure thoiroid was included but i ididnt hear anything back so assume its ok.I have seen the seakelp half price in H&B they look better then the other ones.Off to town now lol 

      Thanks lovely ladies,who needs a DR when we have each other lol x

    • Posted

      smile Happy shopping Trudy smile

      Totally agree who needs Docs when we can sort stuff out ourselves smile

      H&B good for a lot of stuff & if its half price even better lol smile

      Beware they don't smell nice lol xx

    • Posted

      lol, its ok about the smell because the bloody menopause has buggered that up too biggrin
    • Posted

      Hi jay,

      Ive just bought some kelp. My hair is thin at the front, will the kelp help to thicken it? Im not losing hair at the moment but wanted to improve my fringe area where its thin.

      Elaine x

    • Posted


      i get the Kelp 1000mg from simply supplements UK

      although i live in Spain they also ship overses too 

      jay x

    • Posted

      Hi elaine 

      i only use it for meno hair loss which stops it..

      dont know if it thickens hair or promotes growth sorry 

      just stops hair loss for me.. No more clumps in plug hole 

      jay x

    • Posted

      well girls went shopping,got some kelp,how long does it take to kick in,you have to take up to 3 a day so i might take 3 until it kicks in. I feel soo much better already lol but i think its the shopping i done wink


    • Posted

      Hi Trudy, I noticed a difference after just a week smile

      Yep take 1000mgs daily...........and you'll have thick shiney locks in no time at all - I kid you not  smile

      Lol you spent lots then? Us women need lots of shopping treats - good on ya!!!! 

    • Posted

      lol yep,the man in holland and barrat asked is there anything else i  said no i think i have everything else in this shop,he laughed.I even had a glass of wine tonight,i just think now its sink or swim and im going to start swimming again biggrin x
    • Posted

      Hi trudy 

      the Kelp i take is 1000mg just one a day i take 

      from simply supplements UK .. £5.89 ish


    • Posted

      aww thanks jay, i bought the other ones in H&B but next time i buy those 


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