Hair loss
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Hi ladies!
are any of you losing hair like crazy or is just me ?! I'm 46 and we'll ever since my cylcles became irregular well my hair falls a lot along with all the anxiety & the other madness…! If you girls have any suggestions or just want share or story please do so, hugs!
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gailannie Goddess1
What I have personally found is that progesterone is the one thing that not only stops my hair from falling out, but it also makes it thicker, stronger, and it feels more normal.
That's just my system, but there is some study support for this.
Irregular periods my be your clue that you are lacking progesterone in perimenopause. This is very normal, as we ovulate more infrequently as we age and get closer to menopause.
Goddess1 gailannie
Hi & thanks for your reply! So how do get progesterone?! Is it prescribed?! Or something you can get over the counter ?
lucas18 Goddess1
Hi, I should be post menapausal,59 but my hair is still falling out.It all started when I was around 50 and hit the menapause and apart from everything else my hair continues to fall out. It's so thin, dry and frizzy when it was fine but thick and I never gave it a second thought. I find it all over my clothes, furniture and the floor. I also associate it to the mood swings, anxiety and IBS which seem to be related.I can't suggest anything sadly. xx
Sochima822 Goddess1
lucas18 Sochima822
Sochima822 lucas18
Yw, hun. It won't take long for you to see results either. 2-3 weeks maybe less.
carmen_22574 Sochima822
Sochima822 carmen_22574
Hi Carmen, yes get biotin but also get vitamin d3. It will help lift your spirits, it's called the sunshine pill for good reason, and it will get you out of bed. Start with 3x the recommended dosage 2-3 days/week for 1 week, then double the next week then single doses after that. Hope this helps.
carmen_22574 Sochima822
Yes I have vitamin d3. I'm taking 2000 units right now. Last year my vitamin d was at 13. It's 23.8 right now. Thanks for your help.
Gillian1956 Goddess1
carmen_22574 Gillian1956
I just had my checked and it is low as well. I noticed a change in my hair and I started getting tired again can't get out of bed.
Goddess1 Gillian1956
kelly55079 Goddess1
I also was anemic at that time so I also took an iron pill.. Low iron causes hair loss. Had my blood work done a few months ago and iron levels were ok but I still take an iron pill once or twice a week. I also try to eat more foods with iron, spinich, blk eyed peas, red meat, etc... I know I won't ever have thick hair but just want to keep the hair I have. And to keep new growth coming in..
gailannie Goddess1
Hope it helps. It makes a tremendous difference in my hair.
Goddess1 gailannie
Thanks so much I'm sure going to try it too & pray it works.