Hair loss

Posted , 8 users are following.

I've been away for a bit, but I have a couple more concerns. It seems like my hair is now falling out a lot more than usual. I recently cut 14" off thinking that would help. Now I just find 4" chunks clogging up the shower. Also, I've noticed a "feminine" odor I've never noticed before. Is this all a normal part of perimenopause?

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hair loss for me has happened. I never knew how much hair I had until I lost much of it, and I'm surprised at how depressing this to me.  I understand on average, everyone loses about 100 strands a day. But the difference at 54 is that the hair isn't growing back like it used to.

    I eat a high protein diet and take hair-nail vitamins, wash my hair much less often, try to avoid over-styling, and stopped coloring it. 

    Meanwhile, I think getting a little whiffy down below is a normal change, as long as it's not prolonged or extreme.

  • Posted

    Loriann51, one of my very first indications of peri was a huge hair loss.  It was scary.  I got out of the shower, towel dried my hair and when I went to brush it, hair completely filled a very large brush.  I never had that odor issue, but hair loss is very frightening.   
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      Hi Gailannie,

      I’ve also noticed more hair loss in the shower. It’s very distressing isn’t it ?  Has it improved at all ?  Deb x

    • Posted

      It did Deb.  But that happened in peri menopause.  I did ok, and menopause was really nothing for me.  Not hot flashes, no night sweats etc.  Then several years past my last period, I got into vaginal atrophy and dryness.  I was given vaginal estrace.  It was several weeks into treatment that my scalp started itching and my hair again started falling out.  I got it to stop with progesterone.  Apparently some counter balance was necessary.    
  • Posted

    If it's mainly on your crown it's called male pattern hair loss and is caused by too much testosterone. There's another thread about this here, that I have posted on

    It is known that women get more UTIs during and after menopause, see other threads for this too.

    Best wishes

  • Posted

    Hi I've been taking sea kelp tablets for this for a while now which seems to improved - I was looking hair at the back of my scalp but it's starting to grow back Again and thicker

    • Posted

      Hi Liz,

      I wa thinking of taking sea kelp.  Can I ask how long you’ve been taking them please ?  Thank you Deb x

    • Posted

      Hi Deb, for about 3 months friend who had a baby had the same issue after her birth and recommended. It really has worked....hope it helps you too if you try them. I'm taking the tablets x

    • Posted

      Thank you Liz,

      That sounds promising.  Are you able to PM me to say which ones you take please ?  I don’t think you are allowed to say on here ?  Have they slowed the loss down as well,  I seem to noctice a fair few in the shower drain and comb when I wash it sad it’s very lowering x

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      Yes sure. I still get some loss when u comb but not as bad as before x
    • Posted

      I only wash every other day now,  call me paranoid but I’ve actsully counted the hairs after and there have been around 100 sad that’s after washing, then combing and drying.  I don’t notice any on the none wash day.  I feel like that’s probably a high amount ? xx
  • Posted

    Brilliant that it's growing back. Such a good sign. With the other problem, it might be coincidence. Might be bacterial imbalance, see doctor or chemist has test kits these days showing whether it's Thrush or BV, then you can get right treatment, live yoghurt is often the answer. Best wishes


  • Posted

    My partner had terrible hair loss and we have managed to find an amazing combination of vits etc that has made her hair grow back and it now looks amazing. No joke. She takes:

    1 x Biotin a day

    1 x Zinc a day

    Vit D and Calcium 

    (She takes others too but these are the "hair loss" specific ones). 

    She also uses Plantur 39 caffeine shampoo. Google it. We're not sure if this is making a difference because the vits have made such a difference - it's  hard to tell. But her grew back with a vengeance about a month after starting these vits. Neither of us could believe it - but honestly, after trying products like Regaine for Women, and tentatively brushing and washing her hair for fear of losing more of it, she would now only recommend 3 tiny tabs a day 😀

    • Posted

      Hi Lou,  yes I take those and I’m pretty sure they have helped.  I will check out the shampoo though.  Thanks very much for all your advice.  I’m very grateful ! Have a good day 😃

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