hard to do what you enjoy
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Good morning Ladies!
I find it so hard to do what I enjoy anymore. When I am having a good day I want to do what I have enjoyed my whole life, but I pay for it the next day. For example, yesterday was a great day for me, so I went out and worked in the yard most of the day. We had some storm damage and so my son and I cleaned up, mowed, cut limbs down and the yard looks awesome. I so enjoyed being outside again doing what I enjoy doing. However, today I feel like I'm 90 and been run over b a train! my hips and back hurt, congestion in my chest ( that not getting enough air feeling) off balance feeling, legs aching and arms. I have housework that needs done and no energy to do it! I guess this is more of a rant then anything but I never realized just how much meni takes from us. if we can't enjoy what we like to do then what do we do? I dont suffer from depression or anxietybut this morning I understand why so many women do. We have no choice but to get through it but does it really have to destroy who we were before? Anyway, just some thoughts as I'm having a bad day and completely frustrated by this thing called Menapause. I hope you ladies are having a better day then I am, but I know that this to shall pass. lots of hugs to you all.😌💚💛
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Cass63 susane84679
I so understand where you are coming from 😇 Today is day 5 of a week long visit with my 4 1/2 year old granddaughter. I am honestly exhausted and it is so frustrating to feel like I am 80 at 55. I remember a day when I would bolt out of bed at daylight and go nonstop until midnight, but those days are definitely behind me. I only wish I could feel like the me I used to know. I look different, I feel different, I even think different about things now. It’s a very different time of life. I don’t know if I will ever be my familiar self again. If not, I pray the LORD gives me His strength to except the new me😇 Prayers for you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 GOD Bless
Guest susane84679
Hi Susane, same here...I have the will, just not the energy! I was up early this morning getting the kids off to school. I fought the urge to crawl back in bed...no point because I do not sleep anyways! put on a yoga video and did that instead for an hour! Haven’t done yoga in 20 years. Barely have moved the last 6 months. So tired and dizzy 😊Actually felt good after. Such a crap few months though...periods light, symptoms heavy duty! Hate this! Just want to be normal too and go back to work! This shall pass...hugs to you too! 🤗🙏??
kelly55079 susane84679
Same here.. I did this and that with family home for the 3-day weekend but this morning I'm exhausted and went back to bed when they all left. I feel like I was up all night, my feet ache and I can't seem to wake up. So today will be a 'take it easy' day-- a load of laundry and dinner...
lori93950 susane84679
If I live like a hermit and go to bed early I can just about function ... but it’s no life .
Glad you don’t have the depression as that coupled with the fatigue is the worst part .
susane84679 lori93950
I am so thankful for no depression and my heart goes out to those that do have it. I just can't imagine that on top of everything else.
lori93950 susane84679
It’s the WORST ! I think also depends on what you have going on in your life too ... added stressors don’t help . But you could have the perfect life and still feel dark and down inside .
Guest susane84679
I completely understand. I just posted to another that I had a massage today for the first time in 12 months. I was so looking forward to it and did not enjoy at all. I am so achey that just the pressure of massage was actually uncomfortable to the point of painful in certain areas. How sad is it that I can't even enjoy a massage anymore? Unbelievable.
I live for "good" days. I, like you, try to accomplish so much when I feel well because the days when I don't are brutal. It's an effort sometimes to pick up something off the floor .... and I'm not kidding. I still am so dumbstruck as to how I can feel so well on some days and so awful on others.
lori93950 Guest