Hard to relax
Posted , 8 users are following.
Is it normal that feel stressy all the time. I find it hard to just relax and do nothing. Just want to hide.......
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Posted , 8 users are following.
Is it normal that feel stressy all the time. I find it hard to just relax and do nothing. Just want to hide.......
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toffeecushion alison91416
maria76995 toffeecushion
I feel like that too sometimes my mind constant in myself if I don't get up and do something..it's so horrible,do you go out.
toffeecushion maria76995
I do get out but not too far. I was agoraphobic many years ago and really don't want to be like that again.
samantha_12886 alison91416
I too feel like this . Had a good couple of days last week (and it was wonderful)😃 now I'm back to shaking inside and out . So many terrible thoughts it scary . I was premenasaul 8 years ago . I'm finding it unbearable, zero energy, not untested in anything. When people are looking forward to the festive season I'm so anxious feeling I won't be able to cope . On christmas day I have 10 family members for lunch . I'm worried I won't be able to cope .
When will this end for all of us .
Sending hugs
toffeecushion samantha_12886
I feel like I am shaking on the inside as well. I hate it. I find it hard to look forward to anything because I think if I do something horrible will happen. It's as though I am scared to be happy. I have nothing to worry about at home but even so I am constantly worrying
bev66 toffeecushion
Omg I too have this and it's very scary. I get the inside shakes and fear everyday. I was putting it down to anxiety after a bad accident but maybe it's both anxiety and perimenapause I'm 51. I really have a good life but I too am scared to be happy in fear of something bad happening. I don't take prescribed drugs but I do take Karl's.
juanita93228 toffeecushion
toffeecushion, I feel you and I are kindred spirits. That's exactly how I feel!! Like I'm afraid to be happy because something horrible will happen. I just couldn't find the words for it. I'm trying not to be that way(easier said than done I know) because it holds us back from enjoying life and I truly believe God wants us to enjoy this life he has given us. I'm like you, nothing to worry about, but worry. I have to pray because I have nothing to worry about and I don't want anything to worry about. Lol!
toffeecushion juanita93228
It's so difficult at times, I feel life is just passing me by. I want to enjoy it and look forward to things, but find it impossible at times. Let's hope it passes soon
juanita93228 toffeecushion
I make myself go out and try to enjoy myself. Last Sunday and friend and I went to a wonderful Christmas open house at the Governor's Mansion, went to a trendy new coffee shop(I had cocoa, I don't like coffee), and then to a lovely dinner at one of the more popular restaurants in our city. I had a good time, but at the same time that little nagging voice in the back of your mind....... But I just kept on going. Laugh even when you don't feel like it, it's a fake it till you make it kind of thing. Laughing even when you don't feel like it still releases certain endorphins. This weekend we are going to see The Nutcracker and going out dinner at a favorite restaurant of ours. Just keep praying and pushing towards the end of this hell we call menopause!!
maria76995 samantha_12886
Hi Samantha, I was reading your post, yes having people around and as much as that could be over welming and scary, what you can do is not think about it that they are coming to visit just let them come and if you feel funny what ever your feeling just get up and take a walk around the house or go out side and take 3 deep breaths ever so often, and just hope they go soon ok, but do try and enjoy bit of it I know it's hard but you will get through it..I'm bit like that but I live on my own and I had terrible trouble mixing with my friends I have push myself a bit when my friend came around the first time I use to keep getting up all the time like I couldn't keep quiet and was glad when she left..I don't know by pushing myself if that made little better for me but not as bad now, I know how you feel hormones messes with our brains to much and we begin to loose or lost ourselves in the process but we will come out of it laughing big hugs
Hi sorry this meant for Alison this post that's how my head going Lol my apologies
maria76995 toffeecushion
Yes me too, want to enjoy my life, but with this crap hanging over me how can you..running away from myself well I can't can I..but I'm trying hard to get through it, I'm in the next stage of menopause what ever that is and hoping it wouldn't be too bad as peri
toffeecushion alison91416
I'm 51 too. I don't take anything, that's another thing I am too scared to do lol. It's not really living is it, at times I feel like we just exist
rose00110 toffeecushion
monique_93857 alison91416
Ladies at the beginning I felt this way for a long time it does go away in time you ladies are doing great keeping busy was the best thing for me it still peaks at times but I get up and get to moving this one along with the anxiety stomach flutters crawling skin burning tongue was the ones that got on my nerves the most keep your head up ladies there is a light at the end of the tunnel 😅😅😅
maria76995 monique_93857
Hi Monique, thanks for your supporting words I think a lot of us want to hear this that it will go away with time..Anixety is my biggest fear at the moment trying to stop me from sleeping sometimes and feeling hot at night,I'm crossing over to Post Menopause in a few weeks time and all I worry about is if I will get worst I had terrible symptoms early peri couldn't sit down couldn't sleep shaking heart racing couldn't stand up in a shop feel awful..at the moment the dry mouth is driving me mad and every time I walk or do anything I'm hot, can't nap in the day because as soon as I drift off I feel something come over me, I'm praying to God all the time for it to go away some little symptoms I'm not to bothered with but the ones I mention..I'm glad you are better and you have giving me hope. HUGS
monique_93857 maria76995
Yes I know your symptoms all to well I even had spells where I feel like im gonna just fall over feel off balance you can always message me if I've experienced it I will definitely let you know because when I first started I had a million and one question so please feel free as I told the other ladies it's 66 symptoms and I think I've experienced 65 lol
maria76995 monique_93857