Has anyone else lost their "exercise libido"?
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Before peri started, I used to love to work out! I used exercise to manage my terrible PTSD and General Anxiety disorder. It helped with sleep and dealing with a stressful job. The endorphin dump after a jog in the hot sun was the best high I've ever had. I always prioritized exercise as a way to manage my health. My motto used to be "if I am unwell, I'm useless to everyone. I'm going to the gym."
Now, I am usually too mentally and physically exhausted to exercise.
Now I prioritize the stupidest / unnecessary work tasks over exercise.
When I do exercise, I get no endorphin surge.
When I do exercise, I still have garbage sleep.
When I do exercise, it does nothing for my anxiety.
Has this happened to any of you ladies? Any suggestions about how to get my treadmill love back on?
I truly feel like I could handle this absurdity better if I were getting to the brain chemicals from the gym like I used to.
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Barney3771 maddysmom2015
Hi. I am exactly the same I loved going to the gym every day. But since having hysterectomy almost 3 years ago and then hitting menopause abruptly 1 year ago. I have lost all my motto for gym due to tiredness and weight gain. I don't get endorphins I used to get. I am currently considering estrogen only hrt. Although I'm having a lot of pelvic pain and groin swelling I need get checked to make sure not ovarian related as I'm worried incase something sinister . my health anxiety is also though the roof. I hope you get your moto back soon. let me know if find any thing that helps . x
maddysmom2015 Barney3771
Hi Barney!
I'm so sorry you are going through the same thing I am. But I am also very grateful I'm not alone.
I am also considering HRT. I am hoping that I can at least recover the part of my personality that engaged in basic self care. I've exhausted all the plant estrogens and bio-identical progesterones, supplements, and vitamins I can buy. Now I need to stop self medicating and just get a prescription.
I'm sorry your health anxiety is through the roof. That's another thing exercise used to take care of.
Please keep us posted and let us know how you make out. We love you! And you are never alone.
Barney3771 maddysmom2015
Hi Maddysmom.
Thankyou .. I certainly will keep use informed. Im hoping to try get some of my life back as I'm only 47 . I think I try et until I'm 51 max. This site is great cause we all in the same boat some way. x
lori93950 maddysmom2015
i had to stop working out due to mono and yes all the same things ...sleep mood it helps so much .
maybe try and change up your routine ? do something different .
beth12460 maddysmom2015
I have PTSD and anxiety. I can't live without exercise. Its hard in winter. I hate the thought of weight gain and losing that restful feeling after exercise. But I now swim in a local indoor pool. Five days week one hour each day. I am basically paddling back and forth. But its fabulous. Nor more achy feet, or muscles or joints. Its like having a body massage with exercise.
Don't think about it. Just do it. If you think about it you will never get there.
mee16031 maddysmom2015
yes. the same here. i used to run 10k on weekends, lift weights, yoga once a week, dancing once in a while. never missed a single day of gym. in fact was addicted to work outs. now i just don't care. feel too apathetic to do anything. gymming is just not helping my mood or energy anymore. i read somewhere that it is because of plummeting testosterone. need to check with my doctor.
maddysmom2015 mee16031
10Ks are serious business!
You and I are going through the same thing. Working out was an addiction. A good addiction that made the rest of my life possible. Now I just do not care. I too am too apathetic to do anything. That is a brain chemistry response rather than a lack of motivation.
Low testosterone is a likely culprit! My suspicion is my peri is likely estrogen dominant. The way I respond to phytoestrogens in soy and flax is catastrophic. Likely the bossy estrogen is pushing out all the equilibrium that comes with a balance of testosterone and progesterone.
I will ask my doctor as well. Thanks so much for getting it!