Has anyone experienced not putting on make up dressing up during peri??

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Ever since for months now I have also not been putting on makeup all I do is take a shower and that's about it? Anyone else experience that ??

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Beth,

    Yes no desire to do anything beyond the basics.


  • Posted

    Hi Beth...same here. I hate to admit it but when my estrogen levels drop, I sometimes even skip the shower! I no longer work and rarely leave the house so I can get away with this when I feel bad. I used to be a perfectionist when it came to my appearance. I guess I was actually vain! Every hair had to be in place, make-up applied perfectly, etc. I find that I now grab a quick shower or bath, towel dry my hair, and throw on a pair of sweats. Oh, and I brush my teeth because I hope to keep them!
    • Posted

      I know right !!!! I mentioned to my husband it has been along time since I wore makeup!! And it's horrible when you don't even feel like going out anywhere. My daughters think something is really wrong with me. Yeah they are right because this is not easy !!! Hang in there , I guess us ladies have to stick together and help each other through this messsmile
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      I think it's a lot easier to not bother when your system is being kind if assaulted all the time by different symptoms. The minimum effort and all that. Maybe the hormone balance is skewed and a supplement could help. 
  • Posted

    Hi Beth

    I do my hair every morning ... and makeup no... maybe abit of mascara thats it.. only when i go out do I put the makeup on, and I only wear my ' comfies ' too around house,  I dress up when I go out, I think many ladies do this... or you will feel the same everyday and look the same even when you went out.... it will all pass in time, and you will soon feel uplifted hun... Jay xx

  • Posted

    Hi Beth, it feels so cruel when like me you spend a lot of years bringing up children, caring for others and when the children don't need you anymore the good old menopause hits and we can't be bothered to make the time for ourselves. I have been  peri for about 2 years, I had to give up my job last year because of terrible migraines and depression. One thing I've tried to put into practice is to not be too hard on myself. On bad days I say "well the hormones are playing up today, so what" and out I go with no make up on, sunglasses because my head hurts, looking red in the face because I'm hot flushing so bad. And god help the first person to stop me and say I look rough lol. This has to be one of the worse times in my life because it has altered my life so much but I try to stay positive and try not to worry about it all, hard I know, and then there's laughter, I try to laugh at myself, sometimes it's works and then other times I end up in floods of tears lol smile
  • Posted

    Hi girl I don't either.  I think it's the menopause/age thing cause you don't care what others think anymore.  We are freeeeee!  Menopause has some pluses.  smile
  • Posted

    I always wear eyeliner and mascarra plus a good moisturiser but thats it, my skin has become so dry makeup looks terrible on me anyway. My favourite clothing is a long loose top some jeggings and my lovely comfy ugg boots.


    • Posted

      I think your doing a lot better than me. You just feel so bluh. This is not fun at allsmile
    • Posted

      Hi. I use treatment oil by Equste every night on my face.  It's great for wrinkles and gives tons of moisture so it's great for aging skin.  You look fresh in the mornings!  <3>

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