Has anyone experienced this type of insomnia in peri menopause - will it pass??

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Hi ladies, so I had a lovely 10 days of feeling normal, and then bam wake up on Thursday and symptoms are back 😞, I just find it amazing how you can have a really good day and then it can turn so quickly...the thing I’m noticing now is that I fall asleep easily - sooo tired, then wake up a 3am and just have nausea and anxiety and can’t sleep at all - has anyone gone through this ? Starting to feel the burning under my skin as well, just so hard to cope. I always have diahreah as well, so dr advised I give a stool sample, and since they have called and left a message saying I need to have a gi exam, so they must have found something, so now I’m worrying it’s soenthing else as I’ve not been able to reach them over the weekend x

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Karen....bless you there with the worry....ive had all these symptoms, the neusea anxitey and yes throoughout the night...gurgley tumny ect.... And yes feeling great and bang.....it does mean that if hospital or gp call you in that its anything life threathening......this time in many ladies life can be very challanging and you are not alone....there maybe nothing i can say to ease the worry lovey but just reach out here and let us know how your hospital appointment goes.....CK
  • Posted

    Hi karen

    No wonder you can't sleep, the worry is enough to keep you up feeling ill. I've had long periods where I feel good and then for no reason, the anxiety hits back. It's not good because it knocks my confidence. I'm sure whatever is waking you up is your stomach or worrying about that. Go get your follow up and see what it is. Could be something straight forward, they may not have found anything at all so they want a gi exam to explain your symptoms maybe? Try to relax though, you'll get through this too xx

  • Posted

    Hi karen

    No wonder you can't sleep, the worry is enough to keep you up feeling ill. I've had long periods where I feel good and then for no reason, the anxiety hits back. It's not good because it knocks my confidence. I'm sure whatever is waking you up is your stomach or worrying about that. Go get your follow up and see what it is. Could be something straight forward, they may not have found anything at all so they want a gi exam to explain your symptoms maybe? Try to relax though, you'll get through this too xx

    • Posted

      Thanks Ladies, it means so much to have some advice, I have no one to talk to about my symptoms in real life, all my friends seem to be younger than me! Days like this are so over whelming, I just keep thinking, just make it to 3pm, because after that the symptoms seem to calm down a bit - so I just try and keep busy and distract myself until then, but I have to visit family today and I know they’ll want to me to sit down and relax which just makes me feel worse 😩 Carrol hope you are feeling a bit better today x

  • Posted

    Hi Karen, I'm the same, in fact, this summer for a few weeks I was totally normal and started to think I was back, but then, bam, got hit again. 

    I also always have GI issues, have had for a long time. I had diarrhea for a full year when I was about 45, had a colonoscopy and they found nothing, and then it cleared up. Now, since I've had my gall bladder out, I'm never normal. Sometimes constipated, but most of the time completely loose. I do think it's all related. Have you ever had a colonoscopy? It's the only thing I didn't do in the past two years, had every other test. So of course I think because I didn't get that checked it could be causing all my problems, some cancer in there. But we have to stay realistic here. If it was that we would have our symptoms all the time, right? 

    • Posted

      Than you Suzanne, I’m sorry you’ve gone through all this, but it sure is good to know someone out there is experiencing what I am! My logic is totally the same - if this was cancer then the symptoms would be consistent - not in cycles of 10 days...never had a colonoscopy - maybe they want to do one on me? It would put my mind at rest at least, though the appt isn’t until December - which also suggests it isn’t urgent! So sick of all this, but at least I get good days, I had a full on hot flush today as well - wtf is happening? It lasted hours - my face was hot and red - I kept checking whether I’d put the heating on my mistake...anyway I’ve kept it together through another tough day, hope I sleep better tonight xxx
    • Posted

      Of course they are always going to recommend tests. I guess if you haven't ever had a colonoscopy it's probably a good idea. But yeah, nothing urgent if they won't even see you until December. 

      Last night I woke up like I was choking and it was so friggin hot in the bedroom, and the thermostat wasn't letting me move the a/c down. I was so angry. My husband woke up and said it wasn't hot in the room, but I made him turn it down even more. I'm glad that he's understanding cause I can be a crazy woman.

      My burning feet are starting to turn in to burning legs, sometimes burning chest, face, back. I really think it's starting to turn in to some time of hot flash, even though I'm not sweating with it.

  • Posted

    It seems that many ladies wake up at 3am?

    I either wake up at 3am or 6 am I take some CBD oil and go back to sleep . I did have a period last year whereby I was asking up wired at 4.30 5.30 am . Could not back to sleep .... got sleeping pills from the dr and they set me straight .

    Now I’m just tired ALL the time ... no matter how much sleep .. driving me nuts! 

  • Posted

    I’ve been dealing with increased (irrational) anxiety and so much sleep deprivation.  I also have some health issues I think I’ve brought on myself with my anxiety!! Last two months have been terrible.  I hope your news isn’t bad. I understand what you are experiencing. 
  • Posted

    Hi Karen,  sorry you are going through another phase of this stuff, I have lots of digestion problems and lots of D the hormones have only made it worse, try some probiotics they help me and I am actually diagnosed with ibs I also get extreme stomach pain if I get over anxious about it.. Lists of sensitivities when it flares,  caffeine, fried foods, some veggies, milk, some citrus, gluten etc.. Try to illuminate couple items, I love my green tea and it does it every time,  some times I drink it anyway...take care💜

    • Posted

      Hi Beverley....have you tried a probiotic tablet for the ibs? Im the same as you but the probiotic has really helped me...pm me if you want more details . CK

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