Has anyone found relief with the Mirena coil when other hormone treatments have failed?

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Hi, I’ve posted a few times - 41 with peri symptoms on and off for the past 2 years. Tried oestrogen gel which worked great for 5 months, then just stopped working, recently tried the bcp which just made all my symptoms worse, so coming off that now, so wondering if the Mirena coil could be the answer? I always feel better before my period, and have been on the mini pill when younger, which was ok, so seem to tolerate progesterone. My symptoms include night sweats, anxiety, nausea and low mood & tremors, greatful for any advice x

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    My anxiety was awful a few months back and it was down to low iron , I’m still anxious but not as bad as I was . I can never arrange anything as never know from day to day how my health will be . As for the Mirena coil I have never looked into that . 


    • Posted

      Hi Claire how did you overvcome this I too have been in peri with every symptom for two years it’s hell I too have low iron xxx
    • Posted

      I also have low iron - wonder is it a peri symptom?? Didn’t know it caused anxiety..
    • Posted

      Hi Nanette 

      I still have the anxiety but I feel I have control of it better . I do think my low iron played a large part in this . I’m on ferrous iron tablets .Everday I have another symptom and think the worst at the time . Some days it’s a living hell . Feel sorry for you also 💕

    • Posted

      Hi I know it’s horrendous can I ask how log you have been on the ferrous tablets I was on them but stopped after 3 mths xxx
    • Posted

      I really don’t know what I would do without this site it keeps me goin this peri is horrendous I have never felt so bad with aching joints fatigue mood swings and all the other symptoms it’s exhausting especially when you have to work and look after your family sending hugs xxxx
    • Posted

      Yes low iron can cause the fight or flight symptom . Look it up it’s an interesting read . Think peri comes with lots of symptoms it’s just awful . 
  • Posted

    Hi Karen, how regular are your periods?
    • Posted

      Regular in term of occurance,but not in terms of strength, sometimes very heavy with clots and sometimes very light and brown ...
  • Posted

    I suggest you research the Mirena cool and it's warnings and side effects on the web.  Hearing how others did not it--though informative, may not be enough.  xx

    • Posted

      Hi Lynda, yes of course I’ve been doing my research as well as asking friends, and they are mostly positive, though none of them are in peri so I was hoping I could get some feedback on peri symptoms on here ...
    • Posted

      Good that you've been doing research.  For my part, I would be reluctant to put anything foreign into my body.  But the Mirena coil seems pretty popular.  Best of luck to you!  xx

    • Posted

      I am NOT a fan of the mirena coil and would talk to the dr to see what else is available to you. Have you had children as coils can cause horrible infections in women with small or unused cervixes. I had 2 sons but by cesarian section so my cervix closed. Had mirena coil fitted, not fitted right due to size of cervix so my gp took it out and on top of it was large blob of foul smelling, bloody mucus. The coil had given me an infection. Took 2 lots of antibiotics over 10 days to clear it so make sure you know what you are doing before you go ahead and have it fitted. XXX
    • Posted

      Thanks for the warning, I’ve had 2 natural births and had a copper coil before so I think I should be ok in that respect, I’m more worried about the impact on my mood which is currently all over the place x
    • Posted

      In that case I wouldnt have that coil fitted until you are certain that it is going to be beneficial. The coil delivers a set amount of hormones over the length of time it is in for. Then it tails off towards when the coil needs replacing. It sounds to me like if you are happy taking hrt dont just settle for this coil. Look at everything else that is available first. Pills or patches can be quickly stopped if they dont agree with you but with the coil you may need to wait until a qualified person can remove it. I am really distrustful of the fact that as soon as you show anykind of hormone disruption the gynaes tell you that you need to have a mirena coil put in, they rarely look at anything else first. So definitely investigate every option before you have one put in you may find something better.XXX

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