Has anyone has a problem with weight loss?
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I know normally one of the sympton of menopause is weight gain but I've been losing weight. I know my diet is very restrictive because of my digestion issues. My anxiety is out of control and everything I eat brings stress on my body. I start
Shaking especially in the stomach. I've been having acid reflux so bad feels like something in my throat and i feel a hot sensation coming from the throat.
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lynda20916 mary27278
Mary, I suggest that if you haven't consulted with a gastroenterologist you get an appointment. This could not be menopause related.
mary27278 lynda20916
Lynda, I"ve already been to see one and I was told that it's gastritis and gerd. I had a colonoscopy and EGD scope done. All of this didnt kicked in until the onset of perimenopause.
lynda20916 mary27278
mary27278 lynda20916
Yes i tried several PPI's , they gave me side effects , such as worsen my anxiety and muscle aches. I'm currently taking zantac . I have an appt. to see a naturopathic health and wellness dr. next week since my body doesn't seem to like meds.
sharPharmD mary27278
mary27278 sharPharmD
Yes I've tried aloe juice and just about everything. Like earlier, I got up with no stomach issue and ate breakfast without any complications. Out of nowhere i get this anxiety around noon time and triggered a nervous stomach in which i can't eat. My endocrinologist told me yesterday that she thinks the anxiety is triggering everything including weigh loss. She prescribed med to help calm everything. At this point Im willing to try anything. I've lost 2 more pds. within the last month. My body is very sensitive to things including the fluctuating in hormones.
didi0613 mary27278
Yes. I lost ovet 20 lbs. in about a mos. time. I too had digestive issues, and barely ate. I asked my gyno. about it and she said you don't lose weight in menopause, you gain it. So she had me so scared. I immediately thought I had cancer. So had a bunch of
unnecessary tests done to rule it out. All tests for anything obscure were normal.
Turns out in talking to others on this forum, many too had lost weight due to the anxiety, stomach issues or both.
Now Im 40 lbs. overweight, and can't lose it for sh. t. You too will gain it back. Just takes time in getting through the anxiety and getting your stomach back on track.
Try not to think the worst, and stay off the Internet. It makes your anxiety worse.
Just know it's normal to liae weight too. Toom me almost 6 mos. ti get my weight back on, now I'm too heavy and can't lose it.
Hang in there. You will be fine.
mary27278 didi0613
Didi thank you for reassuring me that it's not just me. I'm so used to hearing that gaining weight is the norm with peri, losing is not the norm. I feel so frail though I was already thin to begin with. You are so right about the internet, I think that's why the anxiety is really bad. I will definitely stay off ...
How long did you stay in peri before your stomach started getting better?
I've been literally thinking of asking my gynecologist to do a hysterectomy that's how desperate I am. It's a daily thing and it's stressful ..
tmpearce mary27278
I had that problem as well. One of my worst symptoms was gastritis and I ate a very limited diet for about two years. At the beginning I lost weight rapidly and was sure there was something very wrong with me. All my tests were normal except endoscopy which showed chronic gastritis...which I knew anyway. I suspect the weight loss was because I had cut out processed foods, gluten, added sugars and fried foods. For once I was eating healthy and my body shed my extra weight!
Now that I've left the peri stage and am in menopause my gastritis has settled down by about 70 percent. Be seen I have no self control I am slipping on my healthy eating and have gained back the weight I lost??
mary27278 tmpearce
Gastritis seem to be my biggest sympton also. Did you take any meds for it? How long did you stay in the peri stage? I am currently about 7 months with severe symptons , gastritis being #1 and anxiety. Out of the 7 months I've had about 6 weeks of feeling well with no gastritis symptons.
I too had to cut out all bad foods which I think speeded up my weight loss, I was already thin to begin with. 🙁
didi0613 tmpearce
tmpearce mary27278
Hi Mary
I don't know exactly how long I was in peri but I believe the symptoms began about six years ago.. and I'm saying that in hindsight when I think back to how I was feeling. But those were mild symptoms almost like pms with some anxiety thrown into it. I think my major symptoms went on for about three years. I don't want to discourage you...and when I say three years I mean off and on over that time, not all symptoms at once. My main symptoms were gastritis and anxiety, with excessive worrying and especially health anxiety. I would also have pressure like headaches and lightheaded, spaced out feeling. These would come and go which makes me think they were cyclical and definitely hormone related.
Two years ago I had a hysterectomy with everything but ovaries removed on the basis that I had no history of gynecological cancer and my ovaries looked healthy and they would continue to produce small amounts of estrogen therefore giving me some benefits. Well...I'd say about 12 months ago they began to fail and they didn't do it gently! My symptoms got worse. Then about 2 months ago the gastritis and anxiety decreased by about 70 percent. I'm hoping it stays this way! But I so have a lot of night hot flushes. Blood work last month shows estradiol level of 6 so I am definitely menopausal. I can't take HRT due to high blood pressure and am desperately looking for natural alternatives. So if you find anything please let me know.
For the gastritis I also couldn't take PPI's for same reasons as you. I took, and still take Zantac 150mg twice a day. Even with that I was having symptoms but they were lessened. Now with it I rarely have symptoms.
I know this is a long, convoluted answer but I just want to tell you not to vet discouraged. I gets better.?
sharPharmD mary27278
mary27278 sharPharmD
I also have gerd so I'm thinking maybe it could be the gerd, but then again Im noticing the heat sensation seem to be other places too. I was previously using the progesterone cream until my biodentical dr switched me to the oral biodentical pill. The pill worked at first but then it reversed on me, my symptons increased. The cream seem to work much better, my anxiety practically went away. I started the progesterone cream again this week so I hoping it helps like before.