Has anyone lost lots of weight during Peri
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peri hit me about 6 years back. the first year i lost about 10 lbs in 3 months. and kept losing but slowly. i was 166 and now i am 144 lbs without dieting. i really dont want to lose more. what could be the reason. my blood reports are normal except high cholestrol.
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Kadija1966 Bindisid
Hi, i have lost weight too in the past month, i was 69kg, dropped to 66kg in 3weeks, i have had blood test done and my cholesterol is elevetated 6.6 should be under 5.4, i have bad perimenopause symptoms plus been diagnosed with high blood pressure which goes up and down depending of my anxiety levels.
Ive started brisk walking to try and reduce my cholesterol and to help with the anxiety. Just know that you are not alone in this peri journey.
Bindisid Kadija1966
hi...i am also suffering from very awful peri symptoms. my bp also shoots somedays and comes back to normal. but i dont take any medicines. i have tried evrything to reduce my cholestrol level but no use. now i think my body needs that much 😃
Kadija1966 Bindisid
Have you seen your doctor about the bp and cholesterol? Its important to sort this out.
Im also doing exercise to help with the cholesterol and i take medication for my bp.
Bindisid Kadija1966
yes ...my doctor said its not very high (goes up to 140/90) and moreover it comes during my cycle so no need to take medicine. for cholestrol i am on ayuvedic medicine. i have cut down sugar from my diet.
Kadija1966 Bindisid
Ok thats very good. Im taking himalaya herbal supplements for cholesterol. My bp can get quite high some days 170/100 in the evening so i take losartan for it. But during the day its low 110/70. I have to monitor my bp at home as it can get high just out of the blue as i cant take the meds every day as it can be low at time. This perimenopause is so stressful.
serena11274 Bindisid
i lost about 8kg when mine all started, i too have high cholesterol atm.
sunaina1983 Bindisid
I am gaining alot of wt in peri
Salesmanswidow Bindisid
yes ive lost 3kg in 3 weeks because ive had crushing fatigue which can leave me bedbound for days on end with no appetite bloating nausea etc i really have to force myself to eat, ive been in peri for about 18 months but the stomach issues have really ramped up the last few months, i try to eat healthy but lots on the rare days i do! i also get what i call a nervous tummy & run to the loo!
ampat1 Bindisid
yes I lost over 20lb in matters of 4-5 months when I first started having peri symptoms, I guess due to nausea, loss of appetite, anxiety. I stayed at 114lb for over a year, then suddenly started gaining back weight and now I am overweight 😦. now I struggle to lose even 1lb. So yes Peri can do that to you.