Has hormones made you look sick?
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I was just curious if anyone else has looked like they have aged about 20 years since being in the depths of perimenopause or menopause? I looked at myself from 4 years ago and look at myself now, im only going on 42 years old and i look like im 65!! my eyes are sunken in, my hair looks dry and brittle, my skin is like crepe paper, i just look and feel awful!! I dont understand how other women just sail through this garbage still looking their age, healthy and full of life. I look like an anorexia on her death bed....this is awful
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jaynie08827 Guest
i know there are some women who only get a few hot flashes. i myself got uit with this a yr ago and ill be dned if i have every single symptom plus....this is a horrible experience and im really sick of it..yes i feel ive aged i feel sick daily and up half the night...im told to hang on so imma pass that to u with a hug....
jaynie08827 Guest
i know there are some women who only get a few hot flashes. i myself got uit with this a yr ago and ill be dned if i have every single symptom plus....this is a horrible experience and im really sick of it..yes i feel ive aged i feel sick daily and up half the night...im told to hang on so imma pass that to u with a hug....
kelly55079 Guest
I hear you!!! I have aged and ready for the old folks home. My eyes aren't 'fresh' looking anymore.. My nose to mouth lines are deep. I feel fuddy duddy. I don't understand how some women can keep up with all this.. My hair is limp and thin...
amy341731 Guest
yes, I can totally relate...feel chunky, skin is awful, hair has stopped growing, no clothes fit nicely..and I feel 87 some days so that's fun...not at all!! I do try to look decent for work and going out but its just so difficult. Besides, my lovely new found anxiety and hypochondria make it hard for me to go anywhere anyway but thats another topic. I see ladies who are my age or older going to hot yoga, looking amazing, happy, healthy and I am over feeling gross. I do walk a few times a week, been eating better but I just dont like what I see in the mirror, even compared to a year or 2 ago. I am sorry I do not have much to offer in way of advice but know we are here to listen...you are not alone!!
lisa95354 Guest
Morning Brandy, no you’re not alone it’s the depletion of estrogen is the youth hormone and also keeps pain at bay. And through every stage of Perry’s/Menopause this does happen. I noticed when I turn 54 and in my third year in a post menopause around my eyes I’m like you’ve got to be kidding me I mean really? I think this is where the complete and total eradication of our diets is necessary, I’m not there yet. Try eating an avocado a day, do you drink enough water? I realize as I'm saying those things, it’s kind of pointless, because our hormones are going to do what they’re gonna do ....grrrr I have recently been looking at Ayurvedic lifestyle. Kind of seems like everything like this is so complicated though and a lot of food prep. I mean I know it’s not hopeless, we just have to be very dedicated to eating clean and healthy and exercise and what not. but I do feel you, I realize every birthday I take another hit with something with post meno and it is frustrating. I have noticed especially this fall my skin was like it was the middle of January, it’s like I want to bathe in organic extra virgin olive oil 😉 oh yes and on the subject of women that are affected by this, it’s enough to make you want to scream on the rooftops. I know someone recently said 85% of women are affected, but why those other women sail through... they must have perfect lives and amazing genes/DNA. Who knows, one of lifes unsolved mysteries, right ? But I’m beginning to wonder if that 15% just lies through their teeth and they’re getting those hormone pellets inserted beneath the glute area skin, that seem to change every woman’s life that uses them & and are faking it w/ a smile and a load of lies/ baloney;) we all know so many women out there want to act like they’re superior, and of course Menopause would bring this out in those types of women BIG TIME!!!!
Guest lisa95354
Hello, i have to admit at times my diet is terrible, but there for a long while i did the complete organic diet. And sadly after wasting so much money on healthy eating and making my own food from scratch i didnt feel any better and i sure didnt look any different. Its like you said hormones will do what they want to do! 😦 all those vibrant healthy looking woman do have some type of secret thing they are doing but im sure it isnt cheap! Just like all those celebrities who are 60 and dont look a day over 25......hello christy brinkly!
pamela2016 Guest
yes its aged me so bad i have dark circles under my eyes and bags, ive lost the fat in my face just horrible not to mention hormonal acne that ive never dealt with in my life. my skin is so dry all over. my hair has thinned dry brittle breaks easy has no bounce at all. tried many things not much of help.
anxiousface Guest
Hi Brandy oh yes thats me, i used to be complemented on looking younger than i was but not in the last 5 years. my hair is so thin & flyaway, i have sunken eyes that look dead at times and my skin is grey , dry and lifeless i also find i get chin spots. it doesn't matter what i wear my face lets me down. im also skinny from having no appetite and feeling nauseas all the time NOT A GOOD LOOK but to be honest iv stopped worrying about my skin as all i want in life is to feel better and do normal stuff without getting anxious about it.
All these women who look fabulous at our age obviously are not going through what we are, i do think illness and being sad takes it out on our skin. i often look corpsie
Guest anxiousface
I agree totally!! Ive lost so much weight too and there is nothing i can do to regain it. Its a struggle to just to eat a little bit each day without wanting to throw up. My eyes are sunken in too and my hair and skin is so awful, i would love to feel normal again...not only do i look like a corpse i feel like one too
NothinforNothin Guest
I started looking sick when peri hit. I could tell by looking at my sunken eyes I was sick and wasn't going to snap out of it anytime soon. Since then my symptoms have eased but, this is like the flu x 1000. I found a supplement yesterday called Echinacea. It is supposed to be really good for menopausal symptoms and treats flu like symptoms. It says it works even better if you take it with black cohosh. I'm taking it for 2 days now and I seriously feel a difference. Less achy and calmer. Worth a try or looking into. Again, not everything helps everyone but, I've taken a lot of over the counter supplements and this I really feel some difference for the better and quick . As you get better and feel better you will look better. I looked like the crypt keeper when this first hit. I'm no longer looking like death right now. It slowly gets better. Your hair, skin will improve. Hang in there ladies. Much ❤️ to all.
Guest NothinforNothin
Thanks i will give it a try!! Im so ready for this to be over!
Rainbow976 Guest
Same age as you Brandy. Libido and digestive issues started in mid 30s, at 40 it all really kicked in.
The first few years I lost too much weight without trying and looked anorexic. Try a quality probiotic and/or digestive enzymes if you haven't yet, it might help so you can eat again.
Unfortunately this year i gained it all back with an extra 10 pounds lol. There's no winning.
Regardless of my weight, hair is frizzy, thin and brittle. I grow dark, course facial hair now coupled with hormonal acne. The week before my period my face ages 20 years with dark eye circles and constant frown lines. And my grey hair seems to sprout up way too frequently now.
Unfortunately I am with you on all this and it sucks for all of us!. I exercise, do yoga/self care, quit smoking, cut down drinking and eat 10x better than I ever have and it does nothing.Only 42, how will we look and feel at 55? Sigh...
Tracey2019 NothinforNothin
Sorry I didn't realize you had mentioned looking like crypt keeper and I said same thing about myself due to weight loss.
sunaina1983 Guest
Same q in my mind too mam is meno made us look old
I am 39 and facing peri symptoms from 18 months .
I look into mirror i look soo old..my face dry..eyes full with dark circles .. dry hands and crack skin .. today i saw many white hairs in right side ..Feel very depressed Many people elder than me look so young energetic and beautiful..and me 😭😭
In 18 month these hormones change my look sooo much .
sunaina1983 Guest
Forget to mention i gain soo much weight in peri and my old dresses donot fit in......My fav dresses r useless ....Not able to wear them..all r tight ....thinking to but some big size clothes 😭😭.Meno change my body fully .
Guest sunaina1983
Im doing the opposite, ive lost so much weight i look so awful. No matter what i do i cant gain weight. I feel sick all of the time...im tired of the anxiety too!!