Have not been myself for onevyear

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Having almost menopausal symptoms, stomach pains which docs confirmed it's ulcer, lower abdominal cramps every now and then, loss of appetite, feeling bloated, chest pains, diagnosed tachycardia and now hip, back pains. When would all these end for me to feel free. Sometimes am good but other days very terrible and it can go on for weeks

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I was having horrible hot flashes and worse joint pain for over a year.  I tried to tough it out mainly because my doctor refused to give me hormonal replacement therapy.  I found a different doctor (it took 3 months to get in to see her).  I starte HRT 3 weeks ago.  As of 3 days ago, the joint pain has totally gone away and I am not having hot flashes.  I am a healthy 52 year old and am very active and try to watch what I eat.  I had become less active because of the horrible joint pain.  The last 3 days I have beend dancing in the streets!  I am so excited not to be in pain after a year of having it every day.  I'm not sure what the future holds, but I could not continue to live with the pain I was in.  
    • Posted

      Are you experiencing any side effects with the HRT? What do you take?xx
    • Posted

      No side effects yet at all.  I am on Memvey.  28 day cycle.

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