have some sort of fit every four weeks

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i can some one help me i have been having some sort of fit ever 4 weeks been to see doc and its is none epaletic some thing to do with my menopauses struggling to fine somthing that helps

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    When you say fit what do you mean? X
    • Posted

      go vacant cart contral my arms shake or rock from side to side get realy bad head ake and feel realy tired after
    • Posted

      You say you get it every four weeks?

      Could it be a panic attack?

      I assume your doc has done all the necessary tests to rule put fits? X

    • Posted

      Sorry just read your post again. Your doc says it is fits.

      I don't know much about that but I'm sure one of the other ladies will have some advise x

    • Posted

      no its not fits think it could be a low level of prostogen as it happens every 4 week with my cycle
    • Posted

      Are you on the pill? Ask your doctor about going on it, it will level out your hormones and should help. Helps me.
  • Posted

    My sister in law would have bouts where she couldnt talk it was like her mind went on pause, she had various tests and is now on medication for epilepsy apparantly brought on by menopause.
    • Posted

      yes this sounds like me but doctors have done test and ruled out epilepsy callig t neds none epliltic disorder which there is no tablets for just cope with it just stared with meopause
    • Posted

      Oh at least you have had tests for it, it is strange how menopause can bring on these things x

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