Having a bad day again

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sad I'm on here again just to have a chat/moan, i'm having a day of tingling all over again and dizziness.  I've been at work but really struggled through the day.  It seems to appear at random. This morning i was standing just for a short time but i felt i could faint and had to sit down and from then on i tingled and still am, and  i also get a little fluttering in my stomach and i'm really bloated.Does anyone else get this ? I so fed up with this feeling its really not nice. I 'd appreciate some feed back.  love to all x 


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140 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there!! Are you perimenopause ? I hard a lot of other women experiencing the same symptoms. I can tell you from experience this isn't easy, but us women need to stick together and get through this phase. Just try to remember as I have to tell myself it will pass. smile I know it's not fun. I have had bad anxiety just trying to learn more and more about all this. Just hang in theresmile
    • Posted

      hi beth thank you for your reply, yes i'm in peri since 2012 i think could be sooner but didn't realise.  Anxiety hit me from no where, never experienced it before this.Glad to hear you know of other women experiencing this cos i get scared these are symptoms of a pending stroke. Yes you bet we'll stick together cos my GP doesnt want to know so i rely on all you lovely ladies. thank you again hun x
    • Posted

      I'm on here daily!! It has helped me a lot as I too am experiencing symptoms. We just need to try to stay positivesmile Your not alone.
  • Posted

    Hi anxious face ..

    OH NOOOO..

    i can sometimes feel like i need a chair when stood, infact i am terrible at standing, or queuing, but always have been so I tend to live with it... dizzyness no, mines just oh god, i need to sit down... i have a funny back so always blamed that i suppose, have an extra long spine ( extra disk and vertebrae) which makes standing in one place for a while a nusiance for me... plus with peri you will feel this way ... 😦

    its like bouts of it isnt it, sometimes fine other times terrible.. i had the faints in early peri, 3 of.... so you need to eat little and often and drink plenty of fluids.. are your blood sugars okay ... 

    so sorry you had bad day... Jay xx


    • Posted

      hi lovely jayneejay.  thanks for your kind words, yes i do eat little and often cos of my low blood sugar but i didn't have my blood sugar level monitor at work so dont know if it was that.  Sorry to hear about your back problem as if you've not got enough although i hope your through with peri. i'm going to have a lovely warm soak in the bath and just hope tomorrow i'll feel better.  xx
    • Posted

      Hi anxiousface..

      i too check my sugars with a monitor... in early peri imhad bloods done and mine was border line type 2 ... the doc said nooo way... but it was... but it was a peri blip again, and been fine since ... weird isnt it..

      i am 5ft 6 and weigh 123lb ( 8 stone 13) so not the weight, just peri then..

      oh my back .. i was born like it always been a nuisance, thats why I gave up nursing years ago, i didnt even know it was like it until after an xray.. the head nurse noticed i kept holding my back, hands in behind when doing obs And sent me for an xray... ugh, then the lad that did the xray had the results, and said to me ' do you like bananas ' ? i thought what the hell is he on about, thought he had seen one wedged in my spine in the xray hahahahahahaha his reply was I had a back like an ape, like an ape changing to human form, ' what a charmer' so I know why now I liked climbing and swinging off trees as a kid 😀

      explained alot... but weird cuz i have ridden horses all my life until recently and never bothered me then,  only standing in one place and bending i struggle with.. like it hurts straightening up... i just crack on, dont want a spinal op, no way.... so smile and moan and live with it... 😩

      i too hope you feel better tomorrow, a warm bath will relax the body

      take care lovely ... Jay xx


    • Posted

      Hey besides hot flashes we have that horse thing in common.. I love my kids great way to stay in shape. I used to gallop thru the woods now we take what I call a WALKIES.. SLOWly.. My Tennessee Walker has a long easy gate. We swing quite well thru the woods.. Raises my adrenal on fell better hormones beats the hot flashes.  


  • Posted

    Yes i still get that from time to time...Ive had my chest hurting for a few days now..always seems to come on in early afternoon and then gone by mid evening...Oh the joys...hope u feel better soon...i think some of mine is also gas related...not that i have that problem....lol .Do u get jumping sometimes?sometimes my hubby will just barely touch me and i jump a foot....
  • Posted

    Hi anxious face it's all good fun this menopause thing . I have a suck feeling in my stomach think I'm going to be either sick or faint then I get the hots bit like a volcano erupting. I guess we all have a different way if experiencing the change. Hang in there we are all here to talk and learn. 
    • Posted

      Hi Liz

      bless you... Ginger tablets if you feel nausea.. no not ginger wine... 

      as for the hot flushes.. mine are like yours ... good description.. 

      in a nutshell i am always a little on fire .... thats all though, but its so annoying... this is an old early peri symptom that has returned for me..

      thermostat broken big time.. plus its boiling in spain...magnesium has helped but not enough... be one year for me in two weeks no periods after 10 years of natural peri.. so this flushing nonsense is very annoying..

      feel for you hun... Jay xx

  • Posted

    Ohhh it's not fun and can't wait til it's over. sad  I think I am going to have a stroke when it happens as I have never had these waves of dizziness.  I feel light headed when I walk.  I have to nibble on something every 2 hours cause I feel nauseated.  I feel good after and food tastes even better which is not good for my so called waist.  smile You are not alone dear!  Its horrendous! <3 >
  • Posted

    😖 i have all that too. Panic feeling that i am going mad. But we have got pull it together, thinking this is temporary that we have got to get throught this xx hugs
    • Posted

      That's right!! Don't women go through a lot?? It's an experiencesmile
  • Posted

    Totally understand what you're saying and it's not nice :-( I have all you mention, today I've had a headache all day! Walked into the door with slight dizzyness, feel so down, can't get excited about anything, get the hump quickly, neck aches, burning pains, indigestion, tiredness, can't stop yawning and tingling normally right side....get a bit fed up with it to be honest :-( xx
    • Posted

      I know what you mean!! It isn't easy. I keep saying this cannot be normal!!  But  learning too! I hear about how some women hardly have side effects to menopause... I'm like "I don't want to hear that!!!' But I know there are a lot of women like us that are dealing with issues. We will all get through this! Let's keep our chin up, the dizzy stuff is not fun, but it will pass. We are here for yousmile
    • Posted

      I think it's just annoying to be honest. Not anything we can't cope with but just frustrating.  I keep reminding myself its part of our normal process and it does help xx
    • Posted

      I know what you mean sometimes it's hard to remember that especially when you are feeling bad. Hang in there!
    • Posted

      Ho beth 

      I am now in bed and on iphone 😃😃😃😃

      Peri does get easier near end has for me been a rotter along the way... Just dam flushes have come again, magnesium not cutting it enuff 😞 Jay xx

    • Posted

      Yeah I'm not having the flushes now but I did. Try to stay cool ( refrigerator ) smile have a good night 
    • Posted


      Must be why i am always in fridge..

      Even AC on full i still get hot... 

      Like my bloods boiling... Dam flushes, new thing havent had any for years, maybe heat here or end of peri symptom..

      Never mind life's a bitch ... Then some marry one 😃😃😃😃😃nite beth xxxx 

    • Posted

      Haha!! Good Night Jayneejay . As always it's nice talking with you.. Please keep in touch ')

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