Having a bad day and its only 6.45am.
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I have woken up after a rubbish nights sleep feeling really shakey again. I had my bloods confirm that I have a hormone imbalance which points to peri even though I am 34 and not long had a baby (13 weeks) this happened to my nan and my mum was early too.
I have a constant headache, internal shake, anxiety feeling sometimes for no reason, I am very tired all the time, not had a proper period yet, have hot and cold flushes and really had enough. GP has given me progesteone mini pill and said it could take a couple of months for everything to settle down. I am sat here in tears as I feel so ill and just want to feel better.
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michelle50768 Klk34
Trevis Klk34
Carolmayhew6 Klk34
The tears the inside shakes anxiety nausea leading to vomitting fatigued 24/7 feel like I have black doom cloud in my head not sleeping n horrendous joint pain in my knees really muggy head
I was put on HRT after having bloods that showed my oestrogen lvls where weh out of sink but it made me feel I had morning sickness 24/7 so taken off it n commenced on sleeper but I feel that's spacing me out as I feel worse in following morning I had to have more blood tests after telling another GP how bad I felt did VIT-D n lots if other tests it's come bk I'm VIT- D deficient so another tablet to take also an antidepressant 1 drop a day I hadn't seen any improvement yesterday I was terrible but I was scheduled for an arthoroscopy on my knee to see what's going on n cause of pain had general anesthetic n I feel much better it's like it's rebooted my system lol
Bit drastic but for some reason my muggy head has gone n the anxiety
Hope you feel better soon n kp on at yur gp I was unsure to go bk as I thgt they be sick of seeing me over the last 5 mnths I've nvr been away n apologised wen I last saw my gp but he was really good
Klk34 Carolmayhew6
nikiola18292 Klk34
Kind regards
Niki x
Carolmayhew6 Klk34
If your like me I feel we take a pill n should feel better instantly but it takes time to get in our system
And hopefully once in it should start to help
But every minute feels like an hour doesn't it, hope you feel better soon thinking of you xxx
TeresaJS Klk34
Looks like you're having a combination of hormonal imbalance + post-partum depression, right?
Are eating well? I mean proper rich nutrient meals?
Is that "progesterone mini pill" you’re taking bioidentical oral micronized progesterone? The brand name is Utrogestan. This form is better than artificial progesterone and it’s definitely got anxiolytic/relaxing effects.
Something that would also be very beneficial for you and your baby (if you’re breast feeding) is taking (medium to long term as a supplement) Omega3, 3 X 1000mg capsules/day. With this and the progesterone you and your baby will feel happy and restful.
cazjaz16 Klk34
Klk34 cazjaz16
Carolmayhew6 Klk34
You just sound like me with the wallowing
I sit n overthink things n it makes everything seem 1000 times worse than they are & it takes forever then for it all to come clear in my head your not on your own as this site prices we are all going through the same thing some more than others but we can all support each other as n when we need too so keep posting when your feeling liw or need advice
Enjoy your family time xxx
Klk34 Carolmayhew6
susan21149 Klk34
michelle50768 susan21149