Having a crap time
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Life stinks at the moment, I have jaw aches, and achy muscles in both legs down my thighs and just above my knees and my legs seem weak. Also have tested positive for an anti immune test on bloods so now gotta see a rheumatologist, don't know what to think and am all over the place. Are these all perimenopause or something else. meveryone says don't worry but easier said than done, oh and a bereavement in the family just to add to it all! Stop this ride I wanna get off!!!😔
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louise44105 ruth24048
debbie75601 ruth24048
lennie45832 debbie75601
debbie75601 lennie45832
bobbysgirl ruth24048
My downfall is anger (at just about everything, state of the world, politicians, breaking a plate, you name it) That effects my immune system.
By all means listen to what the Rheumatologist tells you but think twice about overloading your system with pharma. It doesn't help in the long run.
I do feel for you, all my aches and pains are in my neck and shoulders and I can't remember the last time I had a decent night's sleep. I have improved my diet, cutting out processed foods and sugar and am eating more veg and seeds. I take Vit D and magnesium (both of which are missing from the modern diet and are extremely important to our health) and I am feeling a little 'brighter'.
By kind to yourself and bxxxer what other people say.
nikiola18292 bobbysgirl
Yes i get 'The Anger' horrible, horrible. I was told i was peri last April and been on a bit of a rollercoaster as we all are. My symptoms, vary each month they can be bloating, constipation, insomnia, massive mood swings, different each day. I have tried to improve diet too, read about the phytoestrogen diet, and am trying to incorporate that, ie pulses, soya milk, there is a list of it on the web.
I also try to excercise, but it does make be despair that this is going to last forever, i am 51 still get regular periods and cannot wait for them to stop as every 2 to 3 weeks at the mo. I also take vit D, as aware that you can only get 10% of this from diet and the rest sunlight. I take magneisium (vit B version) and try my best to be positive and calm.
bobbysgirl nikiola18292
ursulauc62 bobbysgirl
I find that not letting my blood sugar get too low helps with this one - so dont leave really long intervals between eating. I've been so desperate not to put on weight that I have been getting very hungry lately, and its not good for me, or the rest of my family!
Theg ruth24048
ursulauc62 ruth24048
It is possible to get over these things - I was really scared that my body was going into some sort of irreversible deterioration, but honestly - there are answers - as well as the old boring healthy diet, vitamins and exercise of course!
Hope you manage to feel better soon.