Having a period after not having one for year

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I am feeling scared because had a period after not having one for over a year . I am 48 and stopped having a period 14 months ago. I know it's an actual period because I had all the usual symptoms.. ..sore breasts..cramping...mild headache...increase of appetite and some bloating

.just like every time I had it before. Difference is it's lifter and I am into the second day. Everything I've read on the internet it's scaring the crap out of me. Any thoughts and feedback would be helpful. Thanks

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Don't panic Sherry! And DON'T LOOK ANY FURTHER ON THE INTERNET! The same thing happened to me and many other women....follow the thread titled period after none for 2 years.   I had the same thing happen to me in August of 2016.  I didn't get my period for 13 months and then a full blown period!  Just like you, I looked it up online and immediately started having a panic attack.  When I went to the gyno, she didn't exactly make me feel any better.  I had my pap smear which was normal and the protocol is to then have a transvaginal ultrasound.  It's an internal ultrasound where they look around at all of your organs and the lining of the uterus.  They didn't find anything unusual but I had to go for a biopsy which again was negative.  They said it was probaby a hormonal surge.I even had a few more periods after that.    Just because the textbooks say we are in menopause after no period for 12 months doesn't mean anything.  There really is no clock on your body.  You probably weren't really in menopause.  As a matter of fact, I'm going through the same thing AGAIN.  I haven't had a period in 15 months this time and I spotted.  Now I have to do the whole thing again.  The worse thing you can do is go online to look it up...believe me I know what it says!  Try to stay calm...I know its not easy...and read the posts in the forum "Period after none for 2 years"  The ladies on there will make you feel better.  Call your doctor and make an appointment so you can put your mind at ease.I'm sure you will be fine.   Let us know how it goes. 

    • Posted

      Hi Barbara. Thankyou so much for your response. It was both helpful and clearly explained. It really helped me to relax a little. I have a bit of a nervous disposition 😊 i will certainly let you know how it goes. And all the best to you

    • Posted

      Sherry you can't possibly be more nervous than I was.  Any kind of illness gets me into a panic. I get so nervous that I think the outcome will be bad if I'm not nervous.  Crazy I know.   I really don't think you have anything at all to worry about.  Based on what you said and what I now know, I'm willing to bet you weren't even in full menopause.  Even if you are, you aren't that far out. Try to stay positive and keep busy.  I know that is easier said than done believe me, but if you can do it, it will really help.  Don't Google!!!! 

    • Posted

      Hi Barbara. Thanks for sound advice. I guess worrying is like carrying an umbrella around waiting for it to rain. LOL

      Keeping busy is key. Thanks again.

  • Posted

    Hi Sheryl,

    As far as I know if you’re under 50 which you are, you have to go 2 years without a period before being through menopause.  It’s 1 year if you are over 50 so this sounds completely normal to me 

    Deb xxx

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      Hi Deb. Thanks for that info. Makes sense to me. I appreciate the response.
  • Posted

    Hi Sherry, there are no absolute guarantees with this horrid process, but really after one year with no periods if you are suffering badly and are suitable for it you could have started hrt. I had my last 3 cycles surpressed due to the amount I was bleeding and the pain I couldnt leave the house for weeks on end. So then my dr ran some tests to see what was going on and he told me my ovaries were on their last legs. Then they crashed completely and the symptoms were horrendous so my dr immediately put me on hrt even though he knows me well and I am in a high risk group. Sometimes the pros outweigh the cons so maybe you need to consider it. Good menopausal vitamins and diet are very important too! Hope I have been of help to you. XXX

    • Posted

      Hi Tina. Thanks for that info. It sounds like you have had your share of experiences with this. Nice to know am not alone. And the part about diet and lifestyle definitely.is a main factor. Wonder what our grandmas did when problems arose. Thankyou for response . It gave me further insight.
    • Posted

      You are most welcome! As for our grandmas I think it just wasnt talked about it was not the done thing back then. Even my mother never talked about it never mind my grandma. XXX
  • Posted

    Hi to all. I’m 48 and was told when I was 42 I was in peri menopause. Having had terrible heavy periods bad hot flushes and up and down mood swings anxiety ect. I haven’t had a period in the last two years but everything else still carrying on until this week Ive had back ache and then had a period not heavy as yet but shock to the system. I did what I shouldn’t of done and looked it up on line and now I’m very worried. I came across this web site and has eased my mind a little. I’m not on hrt as can not take it due to medical reasons. 

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