Having a really tough time

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i am having a really tough time right now. My jaw problem(tmj) has flared up really bad, I feel light headed, my stomach is sore, etc...I know there are praying ladies on this forum, please pray for me to lean on God more and try to not be so anxious. Thank you🙏🏻

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Ruth sorry your having a tuff time you will be OK I'm praying for everyone who going through this awful time (((((hugs)))))
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    Hi Ruth

    I have tmj. It's horrid isn't it? I have been diagnosed with burning mouth as well. Does your jaw aches,buzz and so stiff to eat? I put a heat pillow on my forehead and face. Lying down in bed hurts until you go asleep doesn't it. Sending hugs to you xxx

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      My jaw feels like I have been punched on either side of my face and my teeth hurt, but dentist says they are ok.
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    Thank you for all the prayers, feeling uplifted.
  • Posted

    Oh yes, the TMJ! I have this, and for me ultrasound treatment from a physiotherapist helped enormously. It practically cured it last year, but it crept back along with a bad sinus infection earlier this year.  So I'm going to book a few more ultrasound sessions. This time I've had buzzing, hissing in my ears as well. Not pleasant.  Seems like infections are much harder to fully recover from now.

    Will pray for you and all other ladies who are going through all this!

    • Posted

      Hi there

      What do you mean by ultrasound on jaw? My ears hiss and buzzes and feel like I'm under water at times. Also head and face pressure all the time. I'm under a maxofacial specialist but not got far with him yet xx

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      Hi, its a hand held device which delivers pulsed ultrasound to muscles/joints. It has a transducer head which delivers the pulses when swithced on, and you need a gel which generally comes in a bottle wit the device which you put on the head before applying it. You move it in a sort of circular motion over the affected area, for about 10 minutes at a time, usually once a day at first, then less so as it starts to have some effect.

      I dont know if I can say more detail about it - due to moderation rules, but I can tell you which one I have and where to get it if you PM me. The one the physiotherapist uses is usually more powerful, so have more effect in a quicker time, but costs quite a bit more as well.

      I saw a maxofacial specialist when I was first being bothered by the TMJ, and he wasnt really much use at all.I did a bit of research and found a specilaist who has been a dental surgeon and lecturer at a university dental school, and he recommended I have the ultrasound and was really very helpful I can give you his details if you like.

      I might go back to him. Dont know if he can help with the tinnitus - I know it is often related to TMJ - I beleive in keeping on trying to find a solution until every avenue is exhausted! 

  • Posted

    Praying for you Ruth. I've been in peri nine years and it's only God and prayer that is getting me through this. For I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

    He will neither leave you nor forsake you.

    God also says he hasn't given you the spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind.

    Praying you have a better day today in Jesus name. X

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      Wow 9 years!? I'm 43 and I think it's hit me hard last 2 years but all started to feel it when I was 38 years old! Wow I don't know that just seems a long time? Prayers lifted to you!
    • Posted

      Thank you. It is indeed a long time. Went six months without a period then got one four weeks ago sad

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