having hysteroscopy under general anaesthetic on Monday, feeling nervous.

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Hi all. I went for hysteroscopy appointment last week but was unable to go through with it as it was too painful, I tried to relax but it became unbearable, so now have to have it under a general anaesthetic,  I am having a biopsy as my womb lining is 10cm and they told me it should only be 5cm, has anyone else experienced this? I had gone just over a year without a period, then started bleeding so went straight to the doctor who then sent me for an ultrasound and discovered the thickening, I am so afraid that it's cancer, I can't stop worrying about it.

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    Your not alone ! I too am going through this. I had a biopsy done it came back Normal it has been a few months back though. My uterine wall is thickened also. Plus I've been spotting so I understand what your experiencing . Just keep the faith!! It's hard this whole peri menopause stuff is hard. Hang in there your not alone !!
    • Posted

      Thanks Beth, it's a comfort to know I am not alone, do hope all goes well for you, it's all the waiting around for results etc that I struggle with too, I am trying to stay busy, I don't feel ill or anything, this menopause is so hard to deal with sometimes.
    • Posted

      So your not having any other symptoms ?? Like you I'm trying to stay busy too. We just have to tell ourselves it's going to be ok. I understand different things can cause thickening of the wall.  
    • Posted

      Hi Beth, no other symptoms just had the one bleed which was like a period. I do suffer with bad anxiety though and get very agitated and tearful, I know different things can cause the thickening but I am terrible i always think the worst.
    • Posted

      I'm like you. Jayneejay is well aware as well how awlful I am. I too have anxieties panic attacks get agitated and tearful. Isn't all this just crazy ?? smile I always wonder how the women did all this way back. smile
    • Posted

      Poor you, sometimes I feel like I am losing the plot, I don't go out much these days either,feel so sorry for my partner sometimes I snap at him and I really don't mean too :-( x
    • Posted

      Hi Bethy beth


      your stronger than you think .... and you will be fine... 😃

      jay jay xx

    • Posted

      I know you keep telling me thatsmile now seriously when are you coming?? smile 
    • Posted

      I'm right there with you. I try to put on music or just a good movie or something to get my mind off of it. My poor husband has been through a lot! He tells me " you think your the only one going through this"? Poor guysmile
    • Posted

      Do not tease my Jayneejay smile you know I would come get you if I could. smile
  • Posted

    Hi Susan

    i had a hysteroscopy in UK ( when i lived in UK) it was a few years ago now..

    i went to the hospital and they did the procedure and showed me the uterine wall on the screen...  i didnt have any pain...

    infact last week i had a transvaginal scan at the gyno here in spain, and that was okay too.. i was a little dry but he made it painless using jelly..

    if you have pain like this then general anesthetic is the best thing..

    they wont give you much as it only takes 20mins if that.. so dont worry, and a few hours after you will be able to return home  ...

    my uterine wall was 4mm thick last week... he said mine was thinning and in menopause now, and it will thin alittle more yet..

    sounds like you may need a D&C ... dont worry about it, i had one of those too years ago, its all straight forward...  

    be strong hun... you will soon be sorted 😀

    jay xx


    • Posted

      Thankyou so much jay, it's helpful to hear others experiences and helps me to put things into perspective, I get all carried away and over think things if that makes sense x
    • Posted

      Hi susan

      well dont think the worst... 

      i say that as when i was younger i had endometriosis and had it all lasered off , i was told to have a hysterectomy instead ( i was 31 then) as they said it wouldnt return in 5 years, well i said no, i just have laser and see how it goes, well thank god i didnt have hyster as it never came back..

      then.. in early peri i had a few hitches, i had follicular ovarian cysts, i had two at different times, they were follicular cysts that all woman have each cycle, but as my periods were erractic and i previously had some depo provera contraception imjections ( the worst ) they grew and didnt disperse, but finally after a while and abit of homeopathic and hope and then a period .. each did go..

      during peri it can send us in a hormonal frenzy, sometimes the uterine wall thickens, or we get a cyst, etc... so dont fret, all was okay for me, and i am sure it will be for you too...

      also i had a D&C too years ago, and that was a simple procedure, general anaesthetic then home a few hours later, i felt fine after and was making pancakes that night 😃

      so be positive, these things happen sometimes... big hugs hun

      jay jay xx


    • Posted

      Hi jay, you poor thing you really have had it rough, I really shouldn't complain, thanks for sharing things with me, I am feeling more reassured already xx
    • Posted

      Hi Susan

      noooo i dont think i had it rough, there far worse out there and real poorly people, mine was just unfortunate womens stuff, and all good now..

      i just crack on, get it sorted, and put it behind me.. 

      i have a moan about peri sometimes, but even with that i have done 9 - 10 years of it naturally, so i am feeling proud and liberated.. but then you get that out the way, reach meno, then your vagina feels like the bottom of a budgies cage with dryness, so its on going niggles, trial and error and i like to share my experience and help others, as it can be scary and abit daunting, but a open mind and acceptance helps no end, dont bombard your self with the negatives and take one day at a time and all works out..

      remember to be kind to yourself and explain to your loved one if a day is a difficult one and then everyone understands its the way your feel with peri and not with them personally... a loving hug always helps... 

      all will be okay susan and beth.. 

      jay xx


    • Posted

      That's my Jayneejay !!! Always so upliftingsmile she's right Susan!! smile We all just have to be strong with one another. Supportsmile

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