Having Trouble Coping
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Why is everything in perimenopause magnified by 1000?! I am finding it hard just coping with day to day tasks. Everything seems sooooo overwhelming. Can anyone else relate? Please share your thoughts:)
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paula20385 bev27429
Hi bev , I know what you mean just going too work is hard ,things that don't go right seam a lot worse
My mum is in hospital found out she has a clot on her lung ,doctors said she will be fine. But my anxiety is not good not been to visit her because of my anxiety my sister and dad have been and that makes me feel worse that they have gone and i have not
been perimenopausal for over 4 years and it is the hardest thing i been through even on HRT . I just keep telling myself it will end and things will be ok
take care
sara97862 paula20385
Hope all turns out ok with your Mom. praying for some peace for you and us all. i understand completely... the anxiety is so debillitating! your mom will understand.
paula20385 sara97862
Thank you sara , my mum is out of hospital she is not to bad but it is going to take a while before she right again,
Some days I am glad I got though the day if not feeling good ,I never new this could be so hard and not knowing when it will end does not help
Hope you are doing ok
take care
Paula x
tracyjgordon bev27429
yes I know exactly what you mean! I have gone from a super confident working woman to someone who is anxious and worries about everything. Everything I do I double check because I convince myself I either done it wrong or forgotten to do it at all! My memory is terrible and I feel very disoriented.
marion69743 tracyjgordon
OMG - this is so me i genuinely don't know if I've got the inner strength to go through years of this! I will be amazed if my marriage survives 😦
sharon16308 bev27429
Me i'm the exact same its driving me nuts not slept in a month cant concentrate jumping from one thing to another and getting very irritable 😦
tam34579 bev27429
Bev i can sooo relate. Its hormone fluctuations . Im goung through some stuff but it is so hard on me. Im a wimp right now and dont have stamina to go through trials at all. We just have to all keep posting and supporting each other here. I have trouble just going grocery shopping and checking out. I can barely handle giving to support to others much less myself. you will be stonger hold onto that . This is just a season in our life
AJacynM bev27429
I seem to be totally overwhelmed all the time by... absolutely nothing sometime! Life itself seems to overwhelm me!
Yesterday I kept finding myself sitting down during tasks as i just couldn't think straight or gain motivation at all!! These days i seem to have very little motivation or interest in things as I'm so exhausted all the time plus everything aches - oh and i forget everything too!!
Urghhh! 😦
lisa95354 AJacynM
That is a very important thing to bring up. Sitting down in between tasks. I do this all the time, I think, what is wrong with me, why do I have to sit down after doing the simplest thing. I have done this for a very long time and thank God you mentioned it, because I thought I was the only one! Like I really thought, I’m losing it, I have to sit down between simple tasks, it’s over. it’s not over… 😉 It’s just annoying ...lol!
lisa95354 bev27429
BEVVVVVV, I’ve got an idea… I’m feeling the exact same way, I think we should make a commune for all of us that are feeling this bad 😉 Maybe we can find “real“ ....good doctors to come on our island too:) It will be like the Christmas show, and we could name it, the island of Mean-o-pause misfits;) I truly feel the same way. Day-to-day tasks, who even wants to do them. I have a company, tomorrow, that is coming to clean the house. I’ve never done that in my life. but I’m throwing in the towel. The heat here has been unbearable, literally, humidity is off the charts. I was always the type of person that I was continually in my yard, no matter what the heat, in the summer, working or fixing something. And now I walk my dog and I can’t wait to get in the house. i’m curious to know how everyone else is handling the heat, if they’re in a very hot humid area? i’m doing the countdown, for tge results of my saliva hormone test, it will be in I think next Monday. So my pharmacist will compound a cream from the results and hopefully to God it will make a big difference. Doesn’t it almost at times feel like you have a flu bug. I have fibromyalgia and that’s one of the symptoms of it, so half the time, I don’t know which is which. I think they made a pact and they are ganging up on me ...lol I’m pretty sure paranoia is another symptom 😉 On the upside, I’ve gotten some good sleep the past couple days, and strangely enough, that frozen shoulder is not even present, is that not Nuts?! Nor is that terrible pain in my shoulder blades or in my top spine. I have been a firm believer that our symptoms get worse when we’re ovulating and when we're menstruating or even the week before menstruation. Even though I’m postmenopausal, I still get the symptoms, moodiness, crying, snapping at the least little thing, pain. And this pain started about the week of the Fourth of July, so this was a long spell. I actually don’t look forward to the Fourth of July because our neighbors are so out of control with those quarter stick dynamite, fireworks. So the stress may have added to that. Anyway, I am with you. As I always refer to this time, it’s like we're on the Titanic with a solo cup, with a hole in it, let’s start bailing 😉 Hope you have a better day:)
Sassyr12a lisa95354
Omg Lisa, I want to live on that island! Not sure how it would turn out with all of us experiencing different symptoms at the same time but sure we would have some campfire kum by ah (spelling?) moments. I try really hard to stay positive and roll with the coaster but sometimes I don't know what is causing what. I'm off on a cruise this weekend, ive been looking forward to it but can just feel the horrors kicking in xx
lisa95354 Sassyr12a
Sassy.... that’s actually hilarious, I didn’t think about that, all of us on one island pulling each others hair out ...LMAO!
Rainbow976 lisa95354
You won't have to pull hard on my hair, it's falling out all on it's own 😃
lisa95354 Rainbow976
Awwww Rainbow, i’m so sorry, I know thats another whole crappy symptom of this. I did a saliva hormone test at my compounding pharmacists and he said that one of the things that the HRT he compounds for me will help with is, hair loss, weight gain, mood and other issues. He told me the issue with synthetic HRT is that it’s putting weight on women. I am three years post menopause and I just can’t stand the symptoms anymore or being such a raging you know what to my husband. I’m surprised he hasn’t packed his bags and ran for the hills 😉 my test should be back to his pharmacy anytime now. Also there is a vitamin, biotin, that helps with hair and nails, have you tried that? I’m very sorry, I know this is so troubling. And it seems like as women there’s always been such an emphasis on our hair. I’ve always had thin blonde hair but I’ve never been able to grow past my shoulders and my sister is the same way. And then you see all these people that have just mounds and mounds of hair, like curtains 😉 not fair. That is cute you have a good sense of humor about it 😃 Once I start his compounded cream I will let you know how it works. Have you tried a natural path or a holistic store for something maybe you could take to help. I apologize if you posted this and I didn’t read it, have you also had your thyroid tested for that. we’re like really expensive high-end cars, arent we, high maintenance ...lol
Rainbow976 lisa95354
I did have thyroid tested, normal within range of course. That's what they say about everything lol.
I went to a new integrative/holistic hormone specialist earlier in the year. She did a great job of listening to me and suggested I try dhea due to lower testosterone and no libido. That seemed to help with weight issues, no change to libido but it made hair loss and facial hair growth worse. And she never mentioned "balance " between the hormones which makes me question her experience.
Personally, I think my hormones are fluctuating wildly month to month and at ovulation thru menstruation...which really sucks since my cycle changed to 21 days lol.
I read that it is very common to start having cycles where you don't ovulate in perimenopause. If you don't ovulate, you don't make progesterone and could then be estrogen dominant. It would explain why so many women have symptoms of both estrogen dominance and low estrogen... And why bioidentical progesterone seemed like a godsend the first month I tried it but then made me bloated, blurry eyes and caused reflux. Progesterone overload when I did manage to ovulate 😃
I have tried biotin, along with B vitamins, Adrenal support, Evening Primrose Oil, Vitex, etc. Anything I have ever read that helps with hair shedding lol.
At this point, I probably need to give in and let my body do what it wants but then the symptoms get so bad and I am reaching for anything to help. This perimenopause is terrible, new issues left and right 😃
lisa95354 Rainbow976
I think at this point we are questioning everyone’s experience, we all hear something different from everyone. This is why I am afraid to even go on compounding HRT from my pharmacist. Again... he can be as educated as all get out, but if he’s not a woman, and he’s never been through this, he really doesn’t know. That’s why I’m scared, what if I go on this hormone cream and it makes some things better, but other things worse? and you hit the nail on the head, we want to let our bodies do whats natural but then the symptoms are enough to exasperate the helk out of us. it really is a conundrum. and you made a very good point about the estrogen and progesterone and how majorly the hormones fluctuate, even from month to month. I don’t know what the answers are. I have thought that for many years though, how can HRT even work in perimenopause when the hormones are all over. Maybe my nurse practitioner was right, that you can’t really truly measure the hormones till postmenopausal ?
Rainbow976 lisa95354
I agree with everything you say as well. Unless estrogen is my sole issue and I don't know it, I didn't have consistent luck with compounded testosterone or progesterone . I am not trying estrogen at this point because I am scared it's fluctuating very high then goes low or normal. I have used the tiniest pump of estriol cream when feeling really terrible but I don't know if it helps or adds to the issues. Let me know how your testing goes, I have not done saliva yet.