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I keep getting a buzzing head! I notice it at night when I relax but it's like I have a noise in the background. Not ringing just like some sounds are vibrating ....it's so hard to explain.  Sometimes I'll hear something and if it's loud it makes me jump as the noise is louder in my head.....Anyone? The best way is to say I have a noisy head! Have to add my neck, shoulders, elbows and arms ache quite a bit too :-( periods still regular though.  

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    I get the same thing and sounds make me jump all the time, much more sensitive to noise than I used to be and when It makes me jump I get a buzzing sensation in my head, it's weird, ha


    • Posted

      Thanks Caroline, get a bit fed up with it.  Yes definitely more sensitive that's a good way to describe it.
  • Posted

    I get buzzing too and also head, neck, facial pain. It's most odd. 
    • Posted

      Hi Tracky, what sort of head pain do you get? Xx
    • Posted

      I get heavy heads I guess that's the way to explain it.  I sometimes feel like my head isn't with me and trying to shut down, I just try and ignore this sensation as feel its anxiety.  
  • Posted

    I get that too...its always more noticeable at night.for me its a humming sound.  When it first happened I thought someone was playing music next door.  My GP told me it was tinnitus.  You are not alone. 

    • Posted

      I also get the exact humming noise but I thought it was a symptom of my hypothyroidism n not my menopause. I take HRT and nothing ever works to get rid of it I've had if years
    • Posted

      I have an underactive thyroid gland and have had that for 20 years but buzzing, heavy heads are new.  Thing is everything now is just put down to menopause.  The gaining weight is horrible too as I've never had this problem before but now I have a wobbly tummy which isn't helped by my cravings for biscuits!! :-)
  • Posted

    Yep!  I have that too... And a tinnitus on my left ear.  Sometimes it grows higher and isreally  anoying.  The sound in the head is less frequent, but it must be related to some hormon flutuation, for I even feel confused and out of my body for some minutes.it is an execise of concentration to avoid that! I found that it is better if I keep some music/tv sound around. The good news, it it diminishing already and sometimes it is barely noticeable. Cheers ladies!
    • Posted

      Just a little info for all sufferers of this problem.  I have slight tinnitus amongst my many other problems, and I thought this might be helpful to others.  If the buzzing gets bad or a nuisance, turn on the radio, tv etc. and stop listening to it.  Then it will be less noticeable.  At night you can get to sleep by listening to low level noise i.e. music, that turns off when you are asleep. It stops you concentrating on the buzz.  It can be quite soothing to go to sleep with music. I had my tinnitus investigated though to make sure they couldn't do anything to help me.  Apparently not unless it gets much worse.  I am glad it isn't bad enough.
    • Posted

      Thanks Chrisy :-) must admit it drives me mad sometimes. Tonight it was annoying I was just trying to watch tv plus I keep feeling a bit off balance not dizzy and everything aches....neck, back, jaw.....it is fun! 
    • Posted

      Do  you have a neck injury that might be causing pressure on nerves or similar?  Sometimes this problem is caused by other things I believe.  Have u had it investigated?  Might be worth it.  I went to the hearing clinic and had investigations done as sometimes they can help.
    • Posted

      Hi Tracky, yours sounds very similar to mine. Off balance, neck pain, back pain, jaw pain, headaches, ringing, generally feeling fuzzy and not quite with it. I have been to ENT, neurology, MRI scan, hearing tests, physio, and still no diagnosis. Everything comes back normal. Currently looking into a TMJ problem(jaw joint ) as all of these symptoms can be attributed to that. It's certainly no picnic is it?
    • Posted

      You're absolutely right no picnic at all. It's funny you said TMJ as I'm having intermittent right side jaw pain and wondering if its that. I have pains in my back shoulder you name it. When I looked my symptoms up on the internet it says heart which isn't reassuring and my doctor says they have no issue with my heart....arrrgggghhhhh ;-)
    • Posted

      I've been wondering about fibromyalgia. I've got lots of sore muscles to touch all round my body. Going to ask the Dr tomorrow.i know tmj issues often play a part. 

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