head and mouth issues

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Hi ladies

Hope everyone is okay.

Just wondering if anyone has

suffered or is suffering with any of my weird symptoms of the month....

Really dry mouth

Burning throat

Tenderness right under my ear on the jaw

Having to clear my throat all

the time but not a cough

Dry nose

Pain that is like a spot brewing under or to the side of my chin

Seems like my issues are just

working there way up my body and this month all in my head

(literally haha )

Any advice or help. I'm in

between changing doctors to

someone hopefully more


Squishy hugs

Sheena x

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi.. yes they are pretty common in peri.. the weird sensations and burning are called Burnt month syndrome.. but it seems to effect all your membranes including throat. Ive also had all the other stuff you mention.. it comes and goes. Its all caused by lack of hormones .. the dry nose throat again  is all part of  it as everything seems to dry out at this time. Even the weird huge spot pain in the jaw.. haha thats a perfect explanation smile. I also get random pain around eye sockets for no reason. Also get numbness to lips and tongue too.  It all apparently rights itself given time. I have found it comes and goes. It started about 4 years ago when peri first set in and was bad for about 18 months. It then settled and only had it mild now and again. NOw im finally getting to the latter stages of peri with periods stopping and starting its started up again but not as bad and again comes and goes. xx
    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply really appreciate it. 

      Your info is a God send as I get a new symptom, freak out, think I'm dying, think of going to doctors but then health anxiety kicks in so I just wait for it to pass like it always does. It's just nice to know I'm not going mad. 

      I'm hoping that when I change doctors I'll be on a better road. My current GP is not helpful and the nurse who I was seeing and confirmed my FSH being 16 and peri menopausal has left and I'm feeling a bit lost. 

      Hope you're not suffering too badly. Squishy hugs xxx 

  • Posted

    Hi sheena.... how are you feeling now..I also have the same symptoms as yours, my throat and mouth feels very dry along with a funny taste..sometimes its really difficult for me to swallow(but this only happen when Im giving too much attention) peri is the culprit!!! This is one of the many symptoms Im going through right now...

    Keeping you'll in my prayers xx

  • Posted

    If you lovely ladies have any suggestions to ger relief...please let me know..Have the White Coat syndrome..my anxiety shoots up just by the thought of it😰


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